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Aug 1, 2003
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AmeRicA It OwNz yoU
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Ok is there away to have a char join a game but not useing the way you do by clicking on join or somthing I'v seen people talking about joing games /w a client side? if so how could I do that? with out loging on to what prog would I need to use or would I have to make one my self so could somone tell me what code I should write it in? I think it's c++


Mar 1, 2003
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I dont understand what you are wanting to you want a client that can join games thats not the diablo 2 program. Your typing is horrible and I dont know what you mean. Make it more clear. But, if you do want to make a client...thats a lot of codding. Its not something we could just tell you to type. Its not that easy. P.S. No one likes you.


Jun 9, 2003
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what he means is joining a game clientless and by "clientless" is by not using diablos original client. sort of like clientless spambots which emulate yourself that your a real client. But using your own

by this it is possible BUT its extremely difficult. when you join a game massive packets are sent back and forth every second it would be very difficult to emulate those packets to look "LEGIT" because if you dont the server would just disconnect you.


Aug 1, 2003
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AmeRicA It OwNz yoU
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HolyShytItsBob I dont understand what you are wanting to you want a client that can join games thats not the diablo 2 program. Your typing is horrible and I dont know what you mean. Make it more clear. But, if you do want to make a client...thats a lot of codding. Its not something we could just tell you to type. Its not that easy. P.S. No one likes you.
No one likes you.. and the 4 other people understood it, You didn't understand it because the lack of your ability to read.

and thx alot too the other people who didn't have newb replys


I program in TCP/IP and UDP/IP in C and C++, Win32 and Linux. Trying to write a client to send exact packets is going to be nearly impossible. For starters you'd have to get an app that could recieve the bnet packets and open them up for you. Then you could see what commands/impulses are sent/recieved and what data they contain. Next up you get to write some nice long source just to make Winsock work properly and with UDP datagrams. Then you can start sending and recieving packets with bnet. Hope you have a LOT of time and a LOT of coffee.
Feb 12, 2004
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Trippin' in the Vo-iD
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Lmao, I like HolyShytItsBob... anybody who can hang with White Widdow is cool with me.

BTW is English not your primary language or are you 6 years old?

@T: You would also have to design your own sort of binary gateway wouldnt you? If you can't even properly type how are you going to code this?


Aug 1, 2003
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AmeRicA It OwNz yoU
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4n0nym0us3 n00b13 Lmao, I like HolyShytItsBob... anybody who can hang with White Widdow is cool with me.

BTW is English not your primary language or are you 6 years old?

@T: You would also have to design your own sort of binary gateway wouldnt you? If you can't even properly type how are you going to code this?
wow you say that as if I give a shit who you like are you so pos to be important? and "you don't understand it because you lake the ability to read" lake=lack
I'm sorry you can't look at somthing like that and read up to a miss spelled word and try to think of the word that is going to be there I mean when your working at blockbuster and a person miss spells a word are you going to flame no your going to try to think of the word that is so pos to be there I hop you learn that skill when your a adult working at a factoy or somthng like that you know were your family works (i.e soccer ball factory)anywayz I'm too the point were I can join but I get a can't connect somone had told me rejects other IPs form joing unless they send the exact packits that the game sends is this ture?


Aug 1, 2003
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AmeRicA It OwNz yoU
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KuNgFu-RaDiO if only someone could gouge my eyes out with a sharp object, then i may not have to read whatever the hell he's trying to say...
Only if somone would kill you poor little mexican kids so I don't have to read your annoying post like "I can't read what he's saying" you can't read what anyone is saying because you just never learned how to read


Feb 14, 2004
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With the doctors
Originally posted by MaSteR~ClouD
Do you know what this is --->En gi sh No because you can't understand it or read it so don't tell me how to use it
En gi sh ??? Wtf, I think he is 6 years old.
I like HolyShytItsBob to, your the only one that seems to have a problem with him, and no one on here seems to like you. :p
Feb 12, 2004
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Trippin' in the Vo-iD
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Originally posted by MaSteR~ClouD
wow you say that like I give a shit who you like LMFAO and it was a tpyo ~LACK~ and I'm sorry you can't read what I was saying and guess the missed word sorry when your a adult and have to read alot of other people hand writing I hope you learn this skill. I'm too the point were I can join but I get a can't connect somone had told me rejects other IPs form joing unless they send the exact packits that the game sends is this ture?

Haha, he is funny... learn to read handwriting? Before you even get that far you must learn grammer genious.

One you don't know how to use a comma or a period.
Two you have the worst grammer I have seen since gradeschool.
Three... ah *** it, let me point out your mistakes. Maybe, just maybe you will learn from them.

wThe 'w' should be 'W'ow you say that like I give a shit who you likeThere should be a comma here LMFAO and it was a tpyoI believe this is supossed to be 'typo' right? ~LACK~Wtf does that mean? Don't make it so obvious you are a noob it makes you lose respect andThere shouldn't be an 'and' here, it is the beginning of a sentence. I'm sorry you can't read what I was saying and guess the missed word sorryYou are repeating yourself and it's making you look like a complete fool when yourThis should be 'You're' as in 'You are' because 'Your' shows ownership aSince a word that starts with a vowel comes after it you change the 'a' to 'an' adult and have to read alot of other peopleThis should be "people's" not 'people' you are talking about more then one person hand writingThis should be one word 'handwriting' I hope you learn this skill. I'm tooThis should be 'to' not 'too' they mean two totally different things, I am very sorry if "Too, To, & Two" are too much for your brain to handle the point were I can join but I get a can't connectA period should go here somoneFirst of all the 's' should be capitolized and 'somone' should be 'someone' had told me rejects other IPs formThis should be 'from' not 'form' joingThis should be 'Joining' not 'Joing' unless they send the exact packits that the game sendsThere should be a comma here is this tureThis should be 'True' not 'Ture'?Good Job! You got a question mark in!!

Not everything has to be correct, but it does help if most of it is.:)

I hope my editing of his sloppy mess he calls typing helps resolve issues here and helps him learn how to type better. BTW I make Seventy Thousand Dollars a year, I can read peoples handwriting, a guy I knew in highschool that was a crack addict had better grammer and punctuation then you.


Aug 11, 2003
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Home (Sweden)
wtf is wrong with u guys?
i totaly understanded what MaSteR~ClouD was saying, and you are only posting shit cuz u dont understand the terms he is using cuz u are like 6 year old childs that have't done any programming yet.

try 2 get a port scanner then u can sniff the packets that are being send when u join game.


Aug 1, 2003
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AmeRicA It OwNz yoU
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4n0nym0us3 n00b13 quote:
Originally posted by MaSteR~ClouD
wow you say that like I give a shit who you like LMFAO and it was a tpyo ~LACK~ and I'm sorry you can't read what I was saying and guess the missed word sorry when your a adult and have to read alot of other people hand writing I hope you learn this skill. I'm too the point were I can join but I get a can't connect somone had told me rejects other IPs form joing unless they send the exact packits that the game sends is this ture?

Haha, he is funny... learn to read handwriting? Before you even get that far you must learn grammer genious.

One you don't know how to use a comma or a period.
Two you have the worst grammer I have seen since gradeschool.
Three... ah *** it, let me point out your mistakes. Maybe, just maybe you will learn from them.

wThe 'w' should be 'W'ow you say that like I give a shit who you likeThere should be a comma here LMFAO and it was a tpyoI believe this is supossed to be 'typo' right? ~LACK~Wtf does that mean? Don't make it so obvious you are a noob it makes you lose respect andThere shouldn't be an 'and' here, it is the beginning of a sentence. I'm sorry you can't read what I was saying and guess the missed word sorryYou are repeating yourself and it's making you look like a complete fool when yourThis should be 'You're' as in 'You are' because 'Your' shows ownership aSince a word that starts with a vowel comes after it you change the 'a' to 'an' adult and have to read alot of other peopleThis should be "people's" not 'people' you are talking about more then one person hand writingThis should be one word 'handwriting' I hope you learn this skill. I'm tooThis should be 'to' not 'too' they mean two totally different things, I am very sorry if "Too, To, & Two" are too much for your brain to handle the point were I can join but I get a can't connectA period should go here somoneFirst of all the 's' should be capitolized and 'somone' should be 'someone' had told me rejects other IPs formThis should be 'from' not 'form' joingThis should be 'Joining' not 'Joing' unless they send the exact packits that the game sendsThere should be a comma here is this tureThis should be 'True' not 'Ture'?Good Job! You got a question mark in!!

Not everything has to be correct, but it does help if most of it is.

I hope my editing of his sloppy mess he calls typing helps resolve issues here and helps him learn how to type better. BTW I make Seventy Thousand Dollars a year, I can read peoples handwriting, a guy I knew in highschool that was a crack addict had better grammer and punctuation then you.

"Three.. ah ***it" Wtf does that mean? and I'm sorry you don't know what
lack means, And your still in gradeschool so how is this the "worst" hand writing you'v ever seen and to say that it is the worst handwriting you'v ever see is gross exaggeration it makes you look like a 13 year old. this isn't school or work this is a forum I don't need to speak or reply in propor english and I hope you know that so when you correct my chat talk you make your self look shallow do you know what that means?

a guy I knew in highschool that was a crack addict had better grammer and punctuation then you.
one more gross exaggeration and your english is about around the level of a 4th grader and I hope you don't plane on being a writing because your english is very poor that's just "basic" its pretty sad you try to correct my chat talk, (i.e what some people like to call "AIM" talk) with "basic" english and try to pass it off as if your a adult and you didn't really correct very much you just put alot of your ideas in it, and as for "crack addict had better grammer and puncuation then you" that doesn't make sense... so your crack addict friend had punctuation? odd because "punctuation" is somthing somone does, not somthing a person can "have"
to say that "a crack addict had better grammer and punctuation then you" is to say that he has punctuation and go right ahead go correct my chat talk with your very poor english

xXLordSlippyXx quote:
Originally posted by MaSteR~ClouD
Do you know what this is --->En gi sh No because you can't understand it or read it so don't tell me how to use it

En gi sh ??? Wtf, I think he is 6 years old.
I like HolyShytItsBob to, your the only one that seems to have a problem with him, and no one on here seems to like you.

xXLordSlippyXx quote:
Originally posted by MaSteR~ClouD
Do you know what this is --->En gi sh No because you can't understand it or read it so don't tell me how to use it

En gi sh ??? Wtf, I think he is 6 years most be 13 for even saying that I hope your smart enough to know 6 year olds don't play diablo
I like HolyShytItsBob toI'm so pos to care? , your the only one that seems to have a problem with him, and no one on here seems to like you. I love how the 10-17 year old's all stick up for eacher and don't speak for everone when its just you and some of your friends

next time try to use your little IQ and look at"engish" and figer out that its so pos to be english I put "en gl ish' but the L never showed
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