i got a dell key board.(black)the keys dont pop off.but there are 12 >< screws taht i could take off to get in there.i want to know if it is ok to do that,or will i mess my keyboard up.
A vacuum won't screw up your keyboard; still, you should obviously unplug it from the computer so you don't accidentaly open up your folder of porn movies.
On second thought, you should just use a can of air spray; it can reach into the dark corners of your keyboard much better than a vacuum.
I find that my dad's air compressor works best for cleaning mouses / keyboards. The spray is ALOT more powerful than a wimpy airosol can. And its alot faster too.
Powerwasher!!!!1! If there are stains or whatever on it try not to get water in it, if you use a rag that is damp make sure it won't drip and is barely damp, and don't wipe in areas where the keys are so water doesn't get in the holes, just wipe around the edges. Compressed air sounds like a good idea for crumbs dust or whatever else is on there.
how about buttseckz? lol, anyways, you can safly open a keyboard, just remember EXACTLY how to put it together or its a bitch and a half to put back together and working properly.
the keys can usually pop out...just remmember where they all go...(i usually remove a bunch of keys here and there to remove the larger pieces of crap in my keyboard...stuff my vaccum cleaner cant suck out)
i think lee has a good point....butseckz should clean it out o wait no i better try poping keys off again lol.i think i am gonna end up vacuuming it and q-tips,wich is a really good idea treefrog
i do flip it over but sum how crap bigger than the cracks between keys got in there lol.i flip it alot....i should stop eating while on comp that could fix it all
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