Retired Staff
ok guys, ive done it, ive finally made my way back to classic, ive had enough of Euro HC and Xpan games...so im coming back to USEast no-x classic sc non ladder characters...
i found my old mules (i knew if i kept them around id be glad i did eventually) and rumaged through my old crap...i have 2 duped bows, few duped helms, few duped boots, tons of duped rings/amy's, some godly legit armors(sorc/pally) /belts (sorc/pally/barb) / and a shitload of legit shields (10/30/20/prismatic [some have dtm/str/+life/so forth]) so im set...only thing i have to do now, is create my characters
i plan on making pvm zon, then MF sorc, then go to pvp (barb/zon/sorc)
what i need to knwo...is now that 1.10 came out, whats a good build for a zon now that ga dont pierce? ga still = best? what about damage wise...
also i need to know for barbs (since 1.10 all ive made are sorc's)
another thing, ive always heard pallys > all now...so should i get rid of a character and create a pally? cause i could if its best... but yeah...i need to know what chars to make and get an idea of a good build...thanks...
PS: my original plan was to use 1.09 builds for all my characters, then it was brought to my attention by a friend that zons only do like 400 damage with ga now (or so he said) so thats what made me do this *nodz*
i found my old mules (i knew if i kept them around id be glad i did eventually) and rumaged through my old crap...i have 2 duped bows, few duped helms, few duped boots, tons of duped rings/amy's, some godly legit armors(sorc/pally) /belts (sorc/pally/barb) / and a shitload of legit shields (10/30/20/prismatic [some have dtm/str/+life/so forth]) so im set...only thing i have to do now, is create my characters
i plan on making pvm zon, then MF sorc, then go to pvp (barb/zon/sorc)
what i need to knwo...is now that 1.10 came out, whats a good build for a zon now that ga dont pierce? ga still = best? what about damage wise...
also i need to know for barbs (since 1.10 all ive made are sorc's)
another thing, ive always heard pallys > all now...so should i get rid of a character and create a pally? cause i could if its best... but yeah...i need to know what chars to make and get an idea of a good build...thanks...
PS: my original plan was to use 1.09 builds for all my characters, then it was brought to my attention by a friend that zons only do like 400 damage with ga now (or so he said) so thats what made me do this *nodz*