Beer $lut
BattleForums Senior Member
Anyone heard about or played this game yet? It looks pretty good. Its an MMORPG, but with like Comic book type super heroes. I think it costs money to play online, thats why I'm not sure if I'm going to buy this game, that and i don't know if my computer could handle it. Looks a lot like everquest, but not as gay.
The concept of it is, you're in a city and your a super hero who stops crime, which is pretty self explanatory in the title of the game. From reading different reviews of the game I guess its not like all the other MMORPG's. Meaning its not a hard game to get into, or time consuming. You start with you're very own super hero that starts of pretty strong, and gets stronger has he takes down enemies.
The concept of it is, you're in a city and your a super hero who stops crime, which is pretty self explanatory in the title of the game. From reading different reviews of the game I guess its not like all the other MMORPG's. Meaning its not a hard game to get into, or time consuming. You start with you're very own super hero that starts of pretty strong, and gets stronger has he takes down enemies.