Chicken mode work? jed2



just wanted to know if anyone here has ever had their bot exit when the condition for chicken is true?

I just started using jed2 pindlebarb and three of my barbs have died. I set the life to exit pretty high after the my first barb died. But, my barbs are still dying. So, I just wanted to know if anyone else is having same problem?

here are my char level and info

82~1500 base life(before BO)
chicken setting to be default=200 life

81~1500 base life(before BO)
chicken setting to be default=600 life

79~1500 base life(before BO)
chicken setting to be default=1000 life

and one more question:

Does anyone know how to get ur barb to BO then return to town then go kill Pindle?

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