Ok, from researching and some testing a cheap but efficient smiter can be built. This build relies on cb to do damage, but will still have enough damage to finish of Uber Trist or whatever you want to do.
Weapon- Runeword: Black (Thul, Io, Nef) 40% cb and 15% ias.
Shield- You could use the above mentioned spirit shields but HoZ would be a better choice, socket with P Diamond if possible.
Gloves- Has to be Dracs, Life Tap= end of story.
Boots- Gore Riders, 15% Cb and other mods.
Ammy- Whatever you have will do, but Highlords or a rare Ammy will work
Rings- Raven for the the Cannot be Frozen, any ring with resists and other mods.
Belt- T-Gods, SoE, or Verdungos will work.
Armor- Some say the Runeword: Treachery would work because of the chance of fade, but I'd rather use Duress or Stone if you are lucky.
Helm- Guillaume's Face 35% cb, and other good mods. Socket it is possible and put something in it you need, maybe an um.
You will have 90% cb without Duress but over 100% with it. Skills and stats are the same as any smiter:
Str: Enough for gear
Dex: Max Block
Vit: Res
Energy: None
Take this character to a boss and watch the life go down, I had this build on my zealer (for back up) and with only 1 point into smite I was doing about 1.2k damage with 90% cb.