Characters, Monsters and Items


Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
This is a review thread to keep all informed on anything relating to Character classes or appearance/stats, Monsters including AI, types, appearance and anything and everything Item related such as sockets and modifiers, types, how players interact with items etc. I will try to keep this section as up-to-date as i can, but if anybody finds anything new from a reliable source, then please post. Gogo holy grilled cheese sandwich!


Feb 22, 2006
Q.We can see the point "Defenses" at the Character Panel. I'm interested in the resistances. Will they play a decisive role in Hellgate? More like it is in Diablo?

A. Specific resistances to damage types (slashing, fire, spectral, toxic, etcetera) will be important to the game, but no more so than any other action RPG out there. That is, you'll want to possess well-rounded armor and skills to help protect your character against more powerful enemies and enemies prone to dishing out specific types of damage, but constantly switching between armor types will not be a requirement.

Feb 27, 2007
1. There is no "_ALWAYS_ a supporter class." All of our classes are designed to be offensive capable, meaning no class is meant to be the equivalent of a walking potion. With that in mind, it's certainly possible to augment a character with specific skills to make him / her better at specific things, like maybe they'd be more inclined to stay away from the battle shooting things and initiating skills. They're all still weapons, though. None of our characters sit on the sidelines refilling water bottles.

2. There's a life reserve and a general purpose power reserve that determines the limitations of skill use. For instance, X skill would cost Y power. Life is pretty obvious. Defense ratings determine how much life is lost after an attack. There are not separate meters designated to specific types of armor, nor are there any action points.

3. The Templar is our equivalent of the melee oriented Tank class. While Templars are certainly capable of wielding some weapons, and have even been known to combine pistols with swords for killer akimbo combinations, they excel at cutting bloody swathes through the hordes of the underworld with nasty swords and bludgeons.

Feb 28, 2006
You can skill your character however the hell you want and use whatever you want. The game is actually designed to prevent people from finding that one character that outperforms all others. So go nuts.

March 3, 2006
Classes aren't actually based on religion. Instead of serving the Christian God, it's better to think of the Templars as those who serve The Light or The Creator of all, for all. And this despite wherefrom the name Templar originates.

In our game, class choice does not actually imply a subscription to a specific religion. Our Templars are then not necessarily religious -- they're simply spiritual and retain faith in goodness. They're also quick to dole out severe ass kickings to any shit-faced demon that tries to supplant goodness with wickedness.

March 11, 2006
One class in particular is designed to capitalize off our melee weapons. While other classes can use certain melee weapons, they will not be encouraged to. So, there is basically a tank-like melee class and then there are other classes. And while it's possible to make a grayer character that can do a number of things, it's really not going to happen a lot.

March 15, 2006
1. Our female characters don't appear to have high heels in-game. They wear various armored and unarmored boots. And you can pretty much never see any feet even if they didn't.

2. Q.Will templars have some sort of church or a grandmaster to serve?
A.Yes and yes.

3. Dismemberment does not apply to the player character. It only applies to enemies.

April 17, 2006
1. Cabalists war with the demons just like the Templars, only they choose to fight with different weapons. While Templars believe themselves to be the righteous fist of the divine -- a sword to cut through the waves of darkness and a hammer to smash hell back into the oblivion from which it came -- Cabalists believe greater understanding and an intimate knowledge of the netherworldly aggressors is the key to success.

2. The Cabalist is a type of character that teeters on the brink of damnation. By dabbling in the dark arts, the Cabalist has tapped into a well of inexplicable supernatural power, but has also exposed him or herself to the whims of the nether. That is, it is not unheard of for a Cabalist to cross the line, however unwillingly, and find him or herself a servant of the dark, mad, or consumed entirely by demonic energies. This is not to say they are all inherently evil, however. Rather, like people in general, Cabalists come in all forms. Only their occupation does imply a certain level of hazard.

3. A Cabalist is Hellgate's spellcaster and summoner and can also partly or totally transform him or herself into demon forms to be a more capable combatant.

April 20, 2006
1. As to the look of the Cabalist, please remember that the one you've seen is just one version of a general idea. Others look far more freakish and sinister. They're just not anywhere near done yet.

2. Cabalists can transform parts of their bodies into pieces from many different demons.

3. Q.Did the cabalist have the teleport skill?
A.Not right now, no. She may ultimately, though. There's little documentation that outlines the Cabalist's full skill set.

4. We haven't established a level […] cap yet. Right now we're thinking it'll be something crazy high like 99 or a million. We want people to keep getting better, always. So we encourage fast leveling and lots of it.

5. Cabalists are the ones most at odds with the Templars.

6. The Templar is the melee-centric character we've been referring to.

7. many demons will the cabalist be able to control at a time? one? some? a whole lot of?
A.Right now you can control quite a few. I had three Shriekers going, three Elementals and one Carnagor. There's no telling how that will change in the final, however.

April 28, 2006
1. 1. Max says there will be a cap, but it will be something ridiculously high like 99 or whatever. [note: max character level]

2. Q.Can the character show emotions with its face or other parts of its body?
A.Emoting is planned, yes. Like, you can grab your testicles and rub them seductively to indicate your interest in mating with a Minion. But we don't think that one is going to make the cut.

3. Q.Can a character leech life or mana with special items without a natural character attribute for this?

May 24, 2006
There are pets with life bars that level up with the character. There are pets that remain active for a limited amount of time and then there are pets that vanish after performing a certain function. Those are the differences between pet types.

August 11, 2006
It is currently possible to edit:

Face type
Skin tone
Hair style
Hair color
Eye color

We are considering ways to make each level even more configurable. We'll see what happens.


Feb 22, 2006
Q.Will it be possible too Combinate the classes? For example like in Diablo with Item's that gives you a skill from another class, or just like in GuildWars with Primary / Secundary Class?
A.There will be crossovers and overlapping weapons / skills, but it will not be possible to simply combine classes.

March 13, 2006
1. There are skills that can be mirrored by certain weapon modifications, but they are rare. For instance, the Templar has an apply fire damage and critical bonuses to all attacks passive skill. I think it's called Holy Wrath or something like that. Obviously there are also mods that apply fire damage and critical bonuses. But this Templar skill applies it to everything, all the time. So now you have free mod slots you would have otherwise filled with fire and critical bonuses.

Most skills grant players melee attack bonuses, extra melee maneuvers, speed bonuses, aura bonuses and a lot of other more magical bonuses. Most of these skills are related to classes, so I can't talk about any but the Templar's , and even those aren't finished. Right now the Templar has defense bonuses (shield, health, damage sustain), attack bonuses (flurry, spin maneuvers, fire bonuses), and effect bonuses (enemy panic, enemy lure, aura increases). All that is subject to change and will definitely be expanded upon, but you can get a general idea of what the Templar is all about skill-wise. Basically he instills fear into the hearts of demons, lures them close, then beats the holy hell out of them.

2. Anyway, Right now we grant multiple points per level up that can be spent to increase skills. These points are separate from those used to improve character attributes. One skill point is also currently worth one skill rank or acquisition.

3. Specific skills do not get bonuses from attributes, but an attribute like Accuracy, which increases critical likelihood, will obviously apply to offensive skills.

4. Skills do not get bonuses from other skills, unless said bonus applies across the board and thus applies to another skill. For instance, I initiate a passive fire damage bonus skill and then apply my whirlwind attack skill on an enemy force. Naturally, the fire damage bonus will apply.

5. It's impossible to use more than 10 active skills at one time since we have users binding them to the numeral keys. It's likely you'll use around five at any time, though. This also depends on class.

March 15, 2006
Every class does have a different set of skills / talents. Right now skills are earned through level ups, but not all of our skills are in and the way we handle skill distribution is subject to change on a moment's notice. Furthermore, I don't believe any of our skills are shared, no.

March 18, 2006
So, one Templar skill that's active would be the whirlwind attack. Currently you bind this skill to one of the number keys and then initiate it by hitting that number key whenever you like. Your character will then perform the attack provided you have enough power to...uh...power it.

Right now there are around 30 Templar skills and about a third of them are passive. The ratio of passive vs. active will probably depend a lot more on class, too. A good amount of the Templar skills are also kick ass preset attacks, too.

April 20, 2006
The game features all kinds of skills that vary depending on class. The Templar, for instance, has active and passive defense skills, aura skills, and combat skills, among others. He has skills that trigger advanced acrobatics and combat maneuvers and he has skills that adversely impact his enemies and empower his friends. So as a Templar you can run around like a maniac triggering a dozen different skills that make you look like a superstar swordsman while you're imposing your divine will on demons and literally terrifying them to the bone with other invocations and blessings. The Cabalist, conversely, acts as a sort of spell casting, monster summoning puppeteer who can transform into demonic forms for other special perks and bonuses.

And yes, it is safe to say that 30 is not the final number of skills per class in the game.

April 28, 2006
1. we do have the equivalent of a provoke skill.

2-A. Cabalist's don't need corpses to summon anything; they can pull beasts straight out of the air or ground.

2-B. Right now summoned 'pets' are unintelligent and uncontrollable, but there's a huge debate going on about how they'll eventually be handled.

3. Q. I loved using werewolves and bears in D2...was wondering if they will have several different transformations with skill sets specific to each or universal skills for all forms.
A. Several different transformations dependant on skill. Those skills can obviously be leveled up as time goes by, too.

May 22, 2006
1. About Transformation... The abilities have not been cut; the skill tab has just been renamed. We like to rename stuff around here a lot. It can make things hard to keep track of, so I can understand the confusion.

2. We currently have both power and life drain skills available for the Cabalist.

3. In terms of other methods of regeneration, we have medic pickups and some enemies that die drop immediate health gain power-ups. We also have actual doctors at towns and there are in-instance bonuses that can be found. Additionally, some skills allow a character to regenerate health. I'm not sure how the loot pickups will work, however.

May 24, 2006
We have skill hotkey bars, fully configurable keys, and a shift key context sensitive trigger for skills. You do still have to actively trigger all active skills. Obviously, passive skills turn on for all time when you turn them on the first time.


Feb 15, 2006
We do have exploding monster heads


Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Feb 21, 2006
Demons have their own languages. Some of the chittering little freaks are a bit unnerving. I'm not sure if our more humanoid offshoots of higher level castes will eventually speak English, or at least opt to in certain situations. I honestly don't know that yet. But the mightier demons far up in the hellish hierarchy are certainly capable of it.

Feb 22, 2006
Q.Will there be the possibility to slay bosses like in Diablo: Slay – Save Game – Slay, for getting better Items?
A.This is not possible.

Q.Will we be able to slay (the good way) large groups of monsters in a few seconds like in Diablo?
A.Yup. Lots of things can die very quickly if you're tough.

Feb 28, 2006
1. We have at least 30 distinct monster types. At least. But remember also that within each type of monster are a number of wildly different variations. There are no less than six different variations of zombie and just as many different versions of Darskpawn and other miscellaneous demons. And... Each of those different variations of the same type is also randomized within reason, meaning they all come in different shapes and sizes and have different weapons. Our systems really do work together to create a very diverse assortment of enemies. Of course, there are also bosses.

2. Quote:
+ Joe Elite
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Elite class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Laser
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Laser class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Laser Darkling
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Laser Darkling class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Laser Gremlin
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Laser Gremlin class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Melee
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Melee class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Melee Darkling
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Melee Darkling class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Melee Gremlin
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Melee Gremlin class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Ranged
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Ranged class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Ranged Darkling
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Ranged Darkling class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Ranged Gremlin
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Ranged Gremlin class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Shaman
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Shaman class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Shaman Darkling
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Shaman Darkling class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

+ Joe Shaman Gremlin
--- Randomized sizes and minor skin variations within Shaman Gremlin class of Joe. Randomized weapon sets, too. Same general color distinction.

I called this demon type Joe because it's changed names like four times since I've been here. Darkling, Darkspawn, Imp, whatever. It's the Joe type.

Anyway, Joe is just one type of the 30 types of demon we have. And you can see how within that type there are sub categories, each with minor variations of their own.

3. You can expect some seriously bad ass demons / it-things from lore and myth to be our bosses, but I'll not divulge who / what the final boss is. I've the read the basic outlines for a few of them and they're pretty damn sweet.


That's what we're calling the Exospector. I haven't seen it in the game yet, but it's apparently a sort of demon bomber. More scientifically speaking, it's a "Huge floating thing that spews flame down on dudes."

March 8, 2006
1. Different AI patterns are being programmed into the different monster types. Some enemies lay in wait and then spring out when you approach them, others shuffle around aimlessly (zombies, mainly), and still more will charge you aggressively while some flee and fight from afar. It all depends on what you're fighting. So different monster types do generally behave differently.

2. Q. will there be bosses at the end of each acts like in diablo?
A. Well, I'm not sure if the acts are going to be obvious. That is, while we currently have acts in the game, they may be transparent to the player when Hellgate ships. Right now each act has an end boss (and more besides), but we may not associate those bosses with the acts themselves when the final rolls around. Does that make sense? So like Shulgoth may not equal Act 1, section 2 boss. He may just be Shulgoth, that son of a bitch you meet in that one place.

3. Monsters do not respawn while you are adventuring through an instance. Whether they will or not when you return to an area has yet to be determined, though I imagine they will, since the world is supposedly overrun by hell beasts.

March 15, 2006
We have a scaling system in Hellgate that provides us with very short monsters and very tall monsters. Some are no bigger than children, others are twice as tall as men and three times as wide. But I do believe we'll be going much bigger than that. There is even a monster in the design docs with accompanied art that is absolutely enormous. Think the size of one of the Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus. I really hope he/it makes it into the final game.

April 06, 2006 many monster-types will make it into the final game?
A.Types? At least 30. Minimum.

April 28, 2006
It's not that we make our enemies smarter at harder difficulty settings, it's that we make them more challenging; they can do more, they can inflict more damage, and they can take more damage.

AI in its current state is pretty minimal. We have some cool things planned with monster behavior, but I would not expect our foes to behave nearly as intelligent as enemies in AAA shooters like FEAR.

May 24, 2006
The monsters will be randomized right alongside the instances. But, certain areas are designed to house certain types of monsters (so you'll never see Shulgoth in Covent Garden Market, for instance). This is so that we can more evenly reveal new monsters and present the player with more challenging enemies as the player advances through the game.

August 11, 2006
1. We even have a Blood Zombie. You can blow its arms, head and upper body apart. And then, even as it's squirting blood everywhere, it will still try and kick you to death.

What we do not have is a system whereby a player can selectively cut a monster and the realistically watch it bleed to death. We do, however, have sustained damage effects. So, a monster that is on fire or poisoned or being electrocuted will eventually die even if you don't continually shoot it with new pain inflicting goodness.

2. We might include randomized names for our randomized equivalent of champions (those are basically tougher versions of scrubs with special powers), but the actual legions of the damned will be generically categorized, I'm sure.

3. All of our unique monsters thus far are major and have names of their own.

4. Some monsters teleport and others are pretty quick. But, we do have speed boosts that make escape in open environments pretty easy. Some of our more claustrophobic areas are difficult to flee, however.

Weapons and Items

Feb 15, 2006
you can wield a melee weapon in conjunction with a ranged weapon at the same time. Some even play off one another.

Feb17, 2006
I don't think there will be any other pieces of household weaponry beyond the cricket bat. I'd personally love to see Templar enhanced chainsaws and circular saws and hedge trimmers and leaf blowers and golf clubs and mannequin arms, but that's just me.

Feb27, 2006
1. Q.Does every character have to wear "Can-like" gear?
A.The "cans" you speak of are tied to specific types of armor for a specific class of character, the Templar. Templars are our Knight characters. Other types of armor on a Templar will still look different, though. Additionally, other types of armor on different classes will also look considerably different. So an armor type looks the way it does based on what class is using it and what gender the member of that class is.

2. Right now there are only skills and medical packs dedicated to healing. That could change in the near future, however.

3. Loot leaps out of a dead monster's corpse much like in Diablo. You can pick up Loot with the cursor, or just walk near it and hit an assignable 'item grab' key and snatch up everything in your immediate area.

4. Q.Can everyone grab all items that get dropped in a Multiplayer game, or only the one who killed the monster?
A.We don't know how this is going to work yet.

5. There are item sets and colors will be assigned to specific sets, but will still be randomized within preset guidelines. Colors and sets are not exclusive to rare items, however.

6. Q.Is there gonna be something like "magic find" in Hg:L like we had it in Diablo2 LoD or is the drop rate just gonna be random?
A.Drops will be entirely randomized within reason. Meaning you'll get certain drops from within a greater pool from certain enemies within a pool of their own.

7. We have mods, which are basically the equivalent of Gems and Runes. You can [insert] different categories of mods into different categories of item. Mod categories can further be broken down into mod types and specific mods within a type.

8. Q.Will there be polearms in HG:L?
A.I'm no weapons expert, but I understand a pole arm to be any weapon that is long and lets you strike your opponent before they strike you. I believe everything from a spear to a pike could be classified as a pole arm. But if you're specifically asking about the really long shaft with an elaborate axe on the end and a big pointy tip, then no, we do not have that. But we do have a variety of shock, lighting, fire, poison, spectral and plasma weapons of various shapes and sizes. They're almost as nice.

Feb 28, 2006
1. I don't believe we have soul bound items at all then. It's my understanding that our system of item management will be much more similar to Diablo than WoW.

2. There is not one best weapon or feature set people are looking for in Hellgate. Our items have randomized properties and appear as part of randomized areas, which would make it impossible to continually quest for that one sword that everyone wants even if that one sword actually did exist.


That's an automated defense turret the Templars setup to help protect critical chokepoints to their underground havens and forward outposts from marauding demons.

March 3, 2006
1. Q.will the best items in the game be random or predetermined items?
A.The very nature of randomization implies that they could be random. So I get STAR SWORD OF GOD WRATH FIRE KILLER DEMON BANE from some dude. It's a good weapon. Entirely by chance I may also find one that's a randomized version with a plus 1 spectral damage. Who knows.

Q.there are different damage types (fire,ice....), are they added to a physical damage which always exists (like in diablo 2) or will the weapon only deal magical damage like fire, ice..?
if only magical damage: wouldnt that be a problem for example if u encounter an enemy which is resistent to some kind of damage, which unluckily ur weapon deals?
A.They are added to physical damage. It's a compounding effect. So a weapon may do 10 - 15 base damage and then receive additional bonuses for augmentations related to different damage types like fire or shock or spectral. But it'll still do 10 - 15 base damage.

Q.Will there be a BFG hidden in a secret room?
A.No. We don't have those old school DOOM-styled panel secrets. We do have ridiculously powerful weapons, however. I killed 20 zombies yesterday with one swipe of my Superior Firebrand. Punk-ass zombies exploded into fountains of blood.

2. There are a preset number of inventory blocks for holding items. I believe certain bonuses will add space for your character and I also believe that there will be designated storage areas for stuff you want but don’t really want to haul around. Right now there are 50 slots that hold things in the inventory screen. Some, like those around your body, only hold a specific type of weapon of course (helmets go on your head). Right now each item in the game also only takes up one slot. And we do not use a weight system, BTW.

March 8, 2006
1. It's not possible to acquire demonic abilities from a demon in real-time (like Rogue from X-Men), but we do have special demonic weapons, skills and items.

2. There are TONS of weapons and items and armor. You can buy a lot from vendors, but most of it will have to be discovered. There are also a huge amount of class specific weapons and items and armor, but I think the vendors will buy pretty much anything.

3. We do have "Holy Relics" in the game that act as one type of weapon augmentation. They include recognizable items from religious history (multiple religious histories, actually). That being said, our demons are not vampires. So garlic and sunlight and holy water doesn't do a whole lot. But part of some ancient religious artifact strapped to a rocket launcher might help.

4. The starter weapons changes constantly and varies depending on class. For a long time it was the cricket bat, then it became something else, which became something else, which turned into something else depending on what class was chosen. It could wind up being the cricket bat again.

5 Melee is very well supported and backed by a variety of character boosting skills designed specifically to give melee oriented characters huge bonuses. It is in no way taking a backseat to ranged combat, though ranged combat is just as well developed. I'd hardly say it's pitiful. I use melee all the time, just because I like the idea of hitting things with swords. What you choose is of no consequence to me. I'll still happily hit things with swords.

6. We actually don't have any traditional axes in the game right now.

7. Most of our melee weapons are mystical, arcane or futuristic, so they don't really fall into a D&D category like short sword, great sword, bastard sword, axe, spear, bludgeon, dagger, etcetera. But I suppose they're all pretty sword-like in that they're primarily used for slashing and cutting bloody swathes through demon ranks.

8. You can dual wield all one-handed weapons, period. That means you can dual wield any combination of swords and guns, so long as they are one-handed. We do still have two-handed weapons, though. But it seems like that list is getting shorter and shorter.

9. There are Ammo, Rocket, Battery, Fuel and Relic modifications. Each category of add-on also has many different types such as Superior, Unlikely and Inferior. And within each type there are a variety of different specific adds (superior +5 fire, or whatever the nuts). Right now we have a Holy Grilled Cheese Sandwich you can stick into your gun for a powerup. I kid you not.

10. Q. Can you take something like Adrenalin-Drugs to gain more Power for a short time?
A. Yes. We have all sorts of power-ups. We even have power-up kiosks scattered throughout the game world.

March 11, 2006
1. None of our items sustain damage in the field right now, but items you find that are broken can be repaired at our Techsmith.

2. We do have multiple colors in the game. How they're going to be implemented has not yet been determined, however. For instance, maybe a dye kit could be found as part of some loot, or maybe it could be purchased, or maybe you could accumulate a whole range of dye kits stored in a palette. Maybe each specific type of armor would have a specific color that could apply to your suit... We're still debating which implementation will be best. In any event, there will be different color schemes and we do also have plans to support some form of Guild logo. In what way, we are not yet decided.

I. So there are these different Mods, right? There's Battery, Fuel, Ammo, Rocket and Relic. Some weapons may be able to accommodate different combinations of these Mods. So maybe one type of weapon can realistically hold Ammo, Rocket and Relic Mods, but another could hold Fuel, Ammo and Battery Mods. You use the available slots in the weapon window to determine what Mods the weapon can hold and how many of that Mod. So maybe one weapon can just hold Rocket Mods, but it can hold four of 'em to make a really powerful, but very specific type of weapon. That could happen. Of course, how many Mods a weapon can hold and of what type is one of the things we randomize when we randomize all the weapons.

II. It's good to think of our Mods as different categories of expansions. Right now they're named a little strangely (and sometimes don't make much sense), but the basic categories are Battery, Fuel, Relic, Ammo and Rocket. Each category of Mod can contain a wide variety of individual Mods of varying effectiveness and type. So within Relic there may be some kind of Superior +4 Spectral Damage Mod, but there may also be an Inferior +1 Fire Mod. The same goes for all the different Mod categories. Right now, I don't have the full list of different individual Mods and how they can be changed, but hopefully that example will give you some idea of how it all works.

III. Though, certain slot types are always included or excluded from certain weapons. Like, a grappler can never have a Fuel mod. But that's just an example.

IV. The amount of slots on a weapon is randomized, but I don't believe the size of a weapon has anything to do with how many slots are technically possible.

V. I believe all Mods take up just one slot. The bonuses and sets isn't something we have in right now, but I believe they are planning it.

VI. It'll be very important to Mod your weapons. Mods are readily available, too. So it won't be hard to do. It's not like a special thing you get later on in the game. You can do it right off the bat.

March 13, 2006
1. All mods obviously do not apply to all weapons, but you'd be surprised how many a melee weapon can hold. Fuel for instance, could also grant a melee weapon toxic spray damage and Rocket could grant a melee weapon an extra explosive effect. Keep in mind I said the titles for these mods were still placeholder and could be a bit misleading, so that's why it may seem most would only apply to projectile weapons. Mods also primarily focus on the type of damage given and the amount of that damage. Primarily, anyway.

I don't, however, believe there are any special melee mods.

2. No rings or amulets yet. No sunglasses. We're thinking about putting in cloaks and shields.


Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
March 15, 2006

Those are actually the "locusts" that get shot out of that particular hive gun. They're basically voracious insects that eat away at demons they're shot at. Right now that weapon is being called the Locust Hive or Assassin Bug Hive. Keep in mind the names change regularly.

2. Right now we do not have decals in Hellgate. Whether we will or not in the end is unknown. I've heard talk of how it would be cool and how it would most certainly not be cool (given most artists would rather not have their designs spoiled by "lighting skull atop field of blood"), though I don't believe it's a part of the current plan.

3. Weapons do have preset ranges. Right now our game displays when an opponent is in range by changing the color of a targeting indicator from red to green.

April 17, 2006
1. None of our weapons inflict damage on self...that I've seen of those that are in.

2. Right now there are three types of armor for each class and each armor type has multiple variants. How exactly they will be balanced is unknown to me at this point.

April 20, 2006
1. Right now the player inventory is obviously limited, but the team is considering creating additional locker space. I can't imagine the game wouldn't have something like that, even if it too were limited and came with a cost penalty of some sort.

2. Right now we do have stackable items, but only for certain things and even then the number that can be stacked is pretty limited -- health and battery packs stack, but I don't believe there are ever more than six or eight in a stack. This is all a very, very minor thing, though. It could change drastically in the next 12 seconds, as far as I know. Weapons, apparel and mods do not stack, BTW, though I always thought mods should.

There's also no weight or encumbrance in the game.

3. Currently it is possible to remove mods at any point after attaching them to a weapon. It's a very simple process and it works exactly like attaching a mod, actually. That is, the whole process involves pointing and clicking.

4. I actually don't know if there are any in traps in the game. No one's spoken about traps at all, as far as I know.

5. Q.How important are the items? I mean if someone has much better items then the other one. Will he kill him with one hit or will he just have little advantage?
A.You'll have a huge advantage with better items and items that are properly modded.

6. Though there aren't any working two-handed claymores in the game right now, you can indeed swing a sword and clip through multiple enemies at once. It happens quite often, actually. The Templar, in particular, has a lot of extra combat skills that almost always involve sticking multiple enemies simultaneously.

7. we don't call 'em mana and health potions. We have power packs and medic kits. You can buy them from NPCs, but I don't believe there's any sort of item creation in the game like that. Enemies also sometimes explode into absorbable chunks of health or "mana" God of War / Onimusha style.

8. Cabalist can use weapons. There are quite a few just for the Cabalist, actually.

9. I actually don't think you can mod orbs right now, but I'll certainly argue that players should be able to. Adding fire, poison, spectral and other damage types to attacks sounds too cool to pass up.

April 28, 2006
1. Q.whilst watching every gameplay video i could get my hands on, i got the impression that melee weapons pack more punch than their ranged counterparts. since it also looks like having to close in on every opponent will be a noticeable disadvantage, it seems higher damage is an apropiate solution to even out the balance. am i right?
A.Balancing is an ongoing process, […] but basically some weapons do more damage than others. I think it is safe to say that, as a general rule, when speaking in regards to weapons of comparable value, melee types will likely do more damage than ranged types. This gives players an incentive to game as a Templar, after all.

2. Our weapons have an unlimited supply of ammunition and you must never reload in the conventional sense. Weapons do have pause times between fires, though. Like, you shoot a rocket and then you can't shoot another rocket for a couple seconds after that.

May 22, 2006
1. We don't currently have a horadric cube or crafting of any kind in the game. Though, that could obviously change with time, depending on whatever the hell our leads feel like at any given moment.

2. The color voting system is not finalized. Right now each piece of armor contributes a vote(s) and the color with the most votes wins. That pretty much means the chest piece wins all the time since it has the most votes attached to it. It will not be this way in the final. Not, I says.

3. Nothing you wear takes up inventory space. Additionally, anything you put into your three weapon hotkey slots does not take up inventory space. That space can accommodate a total combination of up to six one-handed weapons and/or three two-handed weapons.

4. You'll be able to select from a variety of tattoos and scars, but we do not have plans to let users create their own.

May 24, 2006
1. Right now it looks like there will be six types of armor sets with three major variants within each set. Further, each variant has an innumerable amount of randomized types. Any class may wear any piece of armor. And though they'll share names across classes, the armor will always look different. So, a Templar that picks up and wears our Tech-Heavy-Superior armor will look significantly different than a Cabalist who picks up and wears the same armor. Everything has been designed so that no matter what a player of a certain class picks up and uses, that player will always look like a member of that class.

2. Armor is still randomized. There's no telling what you'll get or what special properties it'll have.

3. Right now each piece of armor carries the equivalent of a color token with a value assigned to it. So like the helmet would be red, five. And the chest piece would be blue, six. And the gloves would be red, two. The total values of each piece are added each time a new piece of armor is equipped and the color with the highest value takes precedence and then applies to the player's entire body.

That's the way it works right now.

In the final, it should be that every piece of armor carries a color with it and players will have the option of applying that color to the rest of their set, thus making a more complete suit.

4. No to hand grenades and yes to cool finishing moves (those are planned, anyway). We do have a grenade launcher, FYI.

5. Right now The Holy Negotiator is one-handed. There are no two-handed weapons in the game right now, either. Hopefully that will change soon.

6. Players can certainly gain access to class-specific weapons. And while gaining access to class-specific skills isn't currently in the game, it is conceivable.

7. Each type of randomized weapon comes with its own set of unique attributes. Further, each randomized weapon comes with a randomly determined amount of mod slots based on the maximum preset limits we have imposed and listed on our website.

8. Absolutely there will be different damages and different sub-types of weapons like Flawed or whatever. And absolutely mods will be diverse in their abilities, too! You can get a piece of shit ammo clip that adds like 5% fire damage, or you can get a relic that does some goddamned crazy aura explosion thing.

9. If you have a weapon that supports 1 Tech, 2 Fuel and 2 Battery, the maximum number of mods it can support are 1 Tech, 2 Fuel and 2 Battery. Mod randomization comes from how many of that maximum it can support.

Further, it is not possible to [insert] a Relic into that combination. The weapon on-hand must first be able to support at least one Relic before it has a randomized chance of being dropped with the specific capability of supporting X number of Relics. The same applies for all mod types.

10. Right now only weapons are moddable. But some people around here want armor and focus items (like the Cabalist's Focus Drive) to eventually be moddable.

August 11, 2006
1. I don't know about extra bags, but medkits and syringes do stack up to a certain amount.

2. The gauntlets, or Focus Drives, are indeed class-specific items. They have replaced the orbs. And they work like tools. That is, they allow a Cabalist player to access specific class skills like the Life Drain, Power Drain, Spectral Lash, Spectral Bolt, and many more.

3. We do have long range weapons. Some are similar in concept to a sniper rifle, but using them currently plays off our soft-aim targeting system.

4. Shields, yes. Lances, spears and axes... Not right now. We have a variety of swords and some of the more outlandish ones resemble these weapons, but we do not classify them as such. We are hoping to get some actual weapons of that type put into the game as we near launch, however. We'd certainly like them in, anyway. We'll see what happens.

5. In our game, gloves and boots are actually arms and legs. There are not separations for gloves and arms and feet and legs. Like any armor piece, the arms and legs can offer a variety of randomized attributes and bonuses. Some can deflect certain attacks. Some can repel certain attacks. Some offer shield bonuses. Some even offer damage bonuses. Anything can happen.

6. Our force field-like shields provide a globe of defense applied to all incoming attacks. Their effectiveness depends on how they've been activated. Percentages are determined by a variety of things, skill not the least of which. The functionality of our traditional shields is currently being worked out.

Many thanks to HellgateGuru for all the info.

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