Okay, recently i had my friend bring his computer over to my house so we can both play diablo. Problem with this is that we are using wireless internet and both gettin signal off my mom's router upstairs. Meaning... same IP so when we are in and out of games to much we get RD for about 10 to 20 mins. Well just even more recent my gf bought a computer that was better than the one my friend had and we are using that now. New problem.. We are getting realm down still... BUT. Its happening RIGHT in the middle of game play for no reason, she will start to lag badly, get "Connection has been Interupted" then she we get realm down. Why is this happening now? With the in and out of games to fast i understand, blizz thinks of a "bot" but during game play? Doesnt make any sense to me, any information and helpful tips to cause this from happening would be great. Thanks guys.