Whats your opinion on these?
If You were on a boat it crashes into a whale and u all got stranded on an island w/ 10 freinds, 5 of them died shortly after, and where was no food other that water, and lets say the bodies were well preserved and sutff for days and u finish what little food yyou and your 4 freinds have, and your very hungry, would you eat your 5 freinds? Is stay alive that important to cut open your freind and cook it in fire and consume him?
Yes its gross. Think of a butcher shop..... think about bring a chicken or cow in there. the animal would be freaked out. Lets say the butcher shop also selled human. Imagine u can get human ribs for $25 a pound..... Now, its not much a difference than cow is it... Now imagine the butcher was a serial killer and tries to sell the victim as cow meat..... Hmmmmm would you know the diference?
Cannibal tribes. They kill one another...... the victim is about to get sacerficed alive, thrown into some river of fed alive to a tiger or sumthing, or worst... thrown into a very tight cave thing and stay there until u run out of air.... thin.. if you were in that situation.... (okay that had nuthing to do with canibals but what wud you do?) IMAGINE! OKay.... your some (explorer guy / soilder in future) with 2 (guys/ Soilders) with you. You get suround by 10 (canibal guys/ aliens) with there (arrows/LASER RAY GUNS). Now you guys are captured, put into (crappy handmade wooden cage / contaiment field). THe (tribal ppl/alien) take (guy #1/soilder#1) and began to ( Skining his arm alive , amputat his arm ,w/ him screaming like hell and put his skin and arm in a pot then eating it while the guy watches then slowly with a dull knife cutting of f the rest of his limbs..../ sticking ther tentacle things into them while they screm like hellm pumping out hter blood and nourish themselves until what little life they have and rip them slowy while the guy is screaming weakly and beggin for you guys to help) then the next day.... the (cannibals/aliens) are hungry and they take your other freind, and you watch the terror agin and know they next day your next....... then they say if you will eat part of your freind, we will spare you cuz your one of us..... would you???
seeing your freind die slowly is what happnes to cows in slaughter houses...... eww...
so post your opinions
If You were on a boat it crashes into a whale and u all got stranded on an island w/ 10 freinds, 5 of them died shortly after, and where was no food other that water, and lets say the bodies were well preserved and sutff for days and u finish what little food yyou and your 4 freinds have, and your very hungry, would you eat your 5 freinds? Is stay alive that important to cut open your freind and cook it in fire and consume him?
Yes its gross. Think of a butcher shop..... think about bring a chicken or cow in there. the animal would be freaked out. Lets say the butcher shop also selled human. Imagine u can get human ribs for $25 a pound..... Now, its not much a difference than cow is it... Now imagine the butcher was a serial killer and tries to sell the victim as cow meat..... Hmmmmm would you know the diference?
Cannibal tribes. They kill one another...... the victim is about to get sacerficed alive, thrown into some river of fed alive to a tiger or sumthing, or worst... thrown into a very tight cave thing and stay there until u run out of air.... thin.. if you were in that situation.... (okay that had nuthing to do with canibals but what wud you do?) IMAGINE! OKay.... your some (explorer guy / soilder in future) with 2 (guys/ Soilders) with you. You get suround by 10 (canibal guys/ aliens) with there (arrows/LASER RAY GUNS). Now you guys are captured, put into (crappy handmade wooden cage / contaiment field). THe (tribal ppl/alien) take (guy #1/soilder#1) and began to ( Skining his arm alive , amputat his arm ,w/ him screaming like hell and put his skin and arm in a pot then eating it while the guy watches then slowly with a dull knife cutting of f the rest of his limbs..../ sticking ther tentacle things into them while they screm like hellm pumping out hter blood and nourish themselves until what little life they have and rip them slowy while the guy is screaming weakly and beggin for you guys to help) then the next day.... the (cannibals/aliens) are hungry and they take your other freind, and you watch the terror agin and know they next day your next....... then they say if you will eat part of your freind, we will spare you cuz your one of us..... would you???
seeing your freind die slowly is what happnes to cows in slaughter houses...... eww...
so post your opinions