Right, Breman, right...
1) Light travels in straight lines (and as far as I know, we don't have a blackhole here on earth, so don't even try to say it doesn't by introducing spatial and temporal deformations around black holes and the like).
2) You can only see things that reflect light (as in if an object reflects light, and the light hits you, you can see the object).
3) The ocean appears bright because the light that hits the ocean enters your eyes.
Here, conside this analogy (in the analogy, bouncy balls=photons):
Image the moon as a large sphere that throws nice little fuzzy bouncy balls in all directions. For the sake of this analogy, the balls don't have any mass (so they travel in straight lines and aren't affected by gravity) Now imagine the ocean you allude to as a hard surface that the bouncy balls can bounce off. Now, if you're following so far, only the bouncy balls that hit the water somewhere on the line between you and the moon will hit you. If the bouncy balls hit anywhere else, they'll bounce off in another direction, and they won't hit you. If they don't hit you, their source (the spot on the ocean they've bounced off) won't appear bright. So any of the bouncy balls that fall on the line between you and the moon will make that part of the ocean appear bright. The same happens for another observer 10 feet away. You can't see their 'beam' because the bouncy balls that enter their eyes don't enter yours as well. Remmember? The bouncy balls travel in straight lines, so the balls falling on their beam aren't going to turn in mid-air to enter your eyes as well.
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