hi all im sory im ask help allways but my english not so good so i hope u will understand me
i have instaled the bot from stikiy i download and did all he says there and the problom is tha the bot enter to game and just stand there and dont do nothing plees can som1 make me file that work i just cant make my self koz im not good in this and my english so can som1 here just make me the file that the bot will kill mefisto and will take only good items to invetory and if u cant just tel me what i need to do for normal bot : kill bos act 3 and take good items only good items but not free space koz i got lots of runes there sanx all
i have instaled the bot from stikiy i download and did all he says there and the problom is tha the bot enter to game and just stand there and dont do nothing plees can som1 make me file that work i just cant make my self koz im not good in this and my english so can som1 here just make me the file that the bot will kill mefisto and will take only good items to invetory and if u cant just tel me what i need to do for normal bot : kill bos act 3 and take good items only good items but not free space koz i got lots of runes there sanx all