Campaign Editor


New Member
Oct 15, 2005
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In the Triggers setting when I am creating a campaign I get stuck with...

How to Set Next Scenario and link two missions. I know how to set the action but what Condition do I use to Set Next Scenario in the Actions. Always? Never? No idea.

How do I set Victory for once you have killed the enemy base. I know in Actions there is the option Victory but which Condition do I select so that the player will get Victory once they have destroyed the enemy base.

Basically I know the Action but dont know which Condition to select. None of them fit Set Next Scenario and Victory.


Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
Use the same condition as your "victory" condition I guess, whatever that may be. I don't really understand your question though.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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Let's say the enemy base belongs to Player 2. The condition you would use is

Player 2 brings at most 0 buildings to anywhere.

That will make it so that when Player 2 has lost all their structures, the Victory or Set Next Scenario action will be performed for whichever players you have it set for under the Players tag.

If the 'enemy base' is composed of more than one player, and those players are all computers, simply use

Foes bring at most 0 buildings to anywhere.

(Note that you could also use the Commands condition, but it can lead to problems when dealing with anything airborn, and as Terran buildings can lift off, it's more reliable to use the Brings condition for buildings and units)

That condition will cause the actions to be performed when all the opponents' structures have been destroyed. If any of the 'enemy base' is going to be neutral or regular players, you'll want to avoid the usage of 'Foes', seeing as the player could simply ally all their opponents after destroying the computer controlled ones. There are ways around that obviously, but that would be over-complicating an otherwise simple idea.

If you have any further questions or need elaboration on any of my points, simply ask. By the way, I just want to make sure you're aware that the "Set Next Scenario" action can only be used in the single player campaign. Just a heads up.


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