BattleForums Senior Member
Let me start off with some quotes...
Something I'd expect from a simple minded retard who has something about him being aparently smart... To me, this kid doesn't even remotely que being anywhere near intelligent. More of a egological moron who has random caps in his name and tries to stand up for battleforums and fails.
For a change he tries to act intelligent but it falls flat out on his face when you look in the aslyum for his posts and such.
newb my ass. your a newb at being a newb, newb.
Something I'd expect from a simple minded retard who has something about him being aparently smart... To me, this kid doesn't even remotely que being anywhere near intelligent. More of a egological moron who has random caps in his name and tries to stand up for battleforums and fails.
Hi, welcome to battleforums. Are you one of those people who post for help and leave?
For a change he tries to act intelligent but it falls flat out on his face when you look in the aslyum for his posts and such.
Here's his thread... Hmm, somethings lacking.... Intelligent discussion or is it lack of obeying the rules for spam.... Can't decide... Oh well.Battle Forums > BattleForums.com > Chit-Chat > Character Fight: Diablo VS Pikachu