I made a "use map setting" mission last summer, it was made logically consistent with blizzard's broodwar story. I love that broodwar story so I intended to continue the LEGEND of oh..... Jim Raynor! and Zeratul!
yall can download the zip file containing the two mission I have done, but on the planning of the third mission, I got stuck... I hope somebody out here might have some good Ideas... we'll talk about it after yall playing my game.
Start from the "in space.scx" file and be sure to choose "use map setting" option and it'll load the next file, thanix III.scx, automatically. It did cost a lot of my brain cells so if yall like them give me some appl*** please......I hope my English in the mission description is not TOO bad to make sense...
Download here: http://kurt_mai.tripod.com/kurt.zip
Don't click on that link because it's forbidden by Tripod... just copy it down and paste it on a browser.
yall can download the zip file containing the two mission I have done, but on the planning of the third mission, I got stuck... I hope somebody out here might have some good Ideas... we'll talk about it after yall playing my game.
Start from the "in space.scx" file and be sure to choose "use map setting" option and it'll load the next file, thanix III.scx, automatically. It did cost a lot of my brain cells so if yall like them give me some appl*** please......I hope my English in the mission description is not TOO bad to make sense...
Download here: http://kurt_mai.tripod.com/kurt.zip
Don't click on that link because it's forbidden by Tripod... just copy it down and paste it on a browser.