Ok I have talked with teddy and he has aproved and I will be hosting the next tourny. The prize will be my delurim helm (timmy maker)...and since I was a judge in a priv league back in 1.09 I will make a seperate thread with al lteh rules for the toruny. If a mod wants all torunys to abide by these rules and may feel free to sticky it. Also the winner of the tourny may put his prize on the line for a bigger prize. If the winner Chooses to go for the extra prize they must duel me. If they win they will get delirum + somthing else i cna't tihnk of right now...if they lose they do not get delirum. It chocie of if ur feelin spunky or not. But any comments or question on this toruny can be asked here and the members need to psot the times they will eb able to play consdiering i want at least 6 people attending this tourny. PLz view the rules thread and ask question regarding the ruels there
oh yea and one more thing...
Ok I have talked with teddy and he has aproved and I will be hosting the next tourny. The prize will be my delurim helm (timmy maker)...and since I was a judge in a priv league back in 1.09 I will make a seperate thread with al lteh rules for the toruny. If a mod wants all torunys to abide by these rules and may feel free to sticky it. Also the winner of the tourny may put his prize on the line for a bigger prize. If the winner Chooses to go for the extra prize they must duel me. If they win they will get delirum + somthing else i cna't tihnk of right now...if they lose they do not get delirum. It chocie of if ur feelin spunky or not. But any comments or question on this toruny can be asked here and the members need to psot the times they will eb able to play consdiering i want at least 6 people attending this tourny. PLz view the rules thread and ask question regarding the ruels there
oh yea and one more thing...