Wondering if anyone knows the average damage of a bowzon with a WF and 160/60. Just wondering because I was gonna try one out but dunno if it's worth it, PKing is alright but just want to know if they're good enough to go PvM.
Current build I was looking at was just norm PvP build like djnats
20 Guided arrow
20 Critical strike
10 Multi Shot
10 dodge
20 Evade
1 pre req.
Stuff i have so far is WF, 160/60, Raven Spirals, Verdungos, +2 bow 5% ar 20%ias, gore riders, shako, maras.
Would this do a good ammount of damage pvm? or should i just go with a CS zon?
Current build I was looking at was just norm PvP build like djnats
20 Guided arrow
20 Critical strike
10 Multi Shot
10 dodge
20 Evade
1 pre req.
Stuff i have so far is WF, 160/60, Raven Spirals, Verdungos, +2 bow 5% ar 20%ias, gore riders, shako, maras.
Would this do a good ammount of damage pvm? or should i just go with a CS zon?