I took a good look at that map.
first off I would say to definitely keep doing it since it is good, but put in some more original stuff other than boomies you dodge and not touching player 8. that would just make that like any other bound, and after spending so much time in it you want it to be good, eh? that's why bounds get old, it's always the same stuff. make the map YOURS, if you know what I mean.
then a few extra things would be a. to protect it since there will be people who will want to steal it from you and take credit and b. the follow trigger. instead of doing loc follow with just preserve trigger, do make loc follow, wait 250 miliseconds, make loc follow, wait 250 miliseconds, again, again, again, again, again, again, then preserve trigger. that way the location will almost always be on the guy instead of you can touch a DA and if you are lucky the location won't follow you fast enough and you won't die. brilliant idea with the setting and clearing switches 1 and 2, by the way.
nice map, I can't wait to see the final result!