I looked through everyone of my bots Files an I can't find a part where I can turn off Logging stuff. I keep running outa system resources while bots running for a long period of time.
Here is top of Pickit Config
; Syntax:
; [unique string]
; Code="abc " - [Optional] This is the 4 letter itemcode. There is normally a space as the 4th char
; Description=<string> - [Optional] This will print when the item drops. if not defined nothing will print
; Identified=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = identified, 0 = unidentified
; Type=<string> - [Optional] shield/weapon/armor/helm/bow/other
; Level=<string> - [Optional] rare/unique/set/magic/normal/craft/superior/lowquality are accepted
; Pickup=1/1 - [Optional] 0 = dont pickup, 1 = pickup {default if not specified}
; HasSockets=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = has sockets, 0 = doesnt have sockets
; isEthereal=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = is Ethereal, 0 = isnt Ethereal
; Hide=0/1 - [Optional] Hide/Show Item
; Hide=0 will automaticly set Pickup=1
; If an item matches on multiple definations the one nearest to the top will be used.
No Log section
Its not inside of Pindle config or Bind is there a code I must type in on pickit to have it not log?
Here is top of Pickit Config
; Syntax:
; [unique string]
; Code="abc " - [Optional] This is the 4 letter itemcode. There is normally a space as the 4th char
; Description=<string> - [Optional] This will print when the item drops. if not defined nothing will print
; Identified=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = identified, 0 = unidentified
; Type=<string> - [Optional] shield/weapon/armor/helm/bow/other
; Level=<string> - [Optional] rare/unique/set/magic/normal/craft/superior/lowquality are accepted
; Pickup=1/1 - [Optional] 0 = dont pickup, 1 = pickup {default if not specified}
; HasSockets=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = has sockets, 0 = doesnt have sockets
; isEthereal=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = is Ethereal, 0 = isnt Ethereal
; Hide=0/1 - [Optional] Hide/Show Item
; Hide=0 will automaticly set Pickup=1
; If an item matches on multiple definations the one nearest to the top will be used.
No Log section
Its not inside of Pindle config or Bind is there a code I must type in on pickit to have it not log?