Blue post - How did the Barbarian survive?


Ready Yourself
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
In the stars

Someone recently commented on the luck the Barbarian seemingly has:


Daynester said:
0. How did the Barbarian survive? [rain]10/11/2009 07:32:16 AM PDT[/rain]
Well, i was just wondering why the barb was the only class to "suvive" the destrucion of the world stone. Also how did he lose all his gear and skills?
Was it simple?
Like, they all suvived but the barb was still battle hungry when the other classes were done with adventuring.
Or, when the keep fell all the classes were crushed except the superhuman Barb.
Maybe, the barb used a battle cry like no other preventing his death.
Possibly, what happened to the GOTHIC main character after part 1. (a strong sorcerror transported him away at the cost of all his armor and skills)
Could it be that he followed Tyreal to the high heavens through the arcane portal? (the gods then stripped him of his weapons and skills as punishment)

Please give your ideas or discuss mine. I'm curious asto how it happened. Also, what will be class 5?

Bashiok made, as he does, a funny quip during his response:
Bashiok said:
44. Re: How did the Barbarian survive? [rain]10/22/2009 11:17:55 AM PDT[/rain]
The barbarian surely wasn't the only one to survive. Cain was there as well, and he obviously made it off the mountain - rickety legs intact.

Tyrael did give fair warning before destroying the worldstone, so I'm sure there were others that escaped with their lives.

But not Larzuk. That dude is dead.

Which prompted someone to ask:
dustyer said:
the next Griswold perhaps?
Perhaps? But personally, I never really cared for Larzuk; where was his grizzly barbarian voice?!

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