Does blizzard still give realm downs, and ban your accts. if you use pindle bots? Or have the hackers developed a new version so us pindlers can freely MF again on
um....i don't think they will realli ban your accounts from botting, realm downs probably...but dun take my word for it...and if u want a newer version, go search around
Yep... they'll ban yea if they find out what you're doin.. VERY rare though.
D2JSP doesn't get me banned, give me realm downs or anything of the sort. Has gotten me tagged once... but that was because d2 crapped out when i was in my stash.
Umm I havent had realm down since I stared usen this Antique PindleBot eh .. They only give realm down an I heard this is hearsay now that you could not be allowed on acct for 1-2 days to 4-5 days ..
ive had r/d 3 times in the last week which is average (even for legit players)
older versions which use pickit and grabit can get you tagged and possibly banned/deleted
your safest bet right now is d2jsp with pwnage snagit or you can wait until the 8th when JED 2.0 (aka the nooby friendly bot) is released from diabloword
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