BattleForums Senior Member
i cant get this out of my head!! Why didnt blizzard make a trig to order a zerg to burrow? that would be an Ai script at location.
what can you say... its blizzard..Originally posted by The_Matrix_Reloaded
Yes, but you can't tell it to unburrow or burrow. I wish they had added all of the stuff that we have added in other versions of Staredit such as SCXE, GUEdit and StarForge. I don't see what the point was of limiting us to almost nothing and making us have to make it by ourselves.
[GLOW=BLUE]- [COLOR=004400]The[/COLOR][COLOR=006600]_Ma[/COLOR][COLOR=008800]tri[/COLOR][COLOR=00AA00]x_R[/COLOR][COLOR=00CC00]elo[/COLOR][COLOR=00EE00]ad[/COLOR][COLOR=00FF00]ed[/COLOR][/GLOW]