Bind Module Help Needed :D


New Member
Apr 12, 2005
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dunno weather i posted in the wrong place on this forum, but i'll try again here ...jus hope people understand what im on bout ...have a tendancy to ramble ;)


I've been searching and trying for ages... but could someone tell me how to bind a key so that i can turn pickit on and off??

been dabbling with snifferxp, trigger an whot not

tried ".bind set bc bc say :set pickit 1" to use "<" key to turn pickit on ...but with that space between "say" and ":" it will only say the command.....bah


edit ...i've tried swapping the "command character" for zoid pickit ...tried with and without the say command ....with and without spaces and "command character" ....but it always comes back with either unknown command or says the command.........

basically i just want to run a command like the one below, but i really need someone to point out what ive done wrong .......

.bind set bc bc :set pickit 1 (to turn on with "<" key)
.bind set be be :set pickit 0 (to turn off with ">" key)

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