Big problem.

Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Okay guys, please try to help me out on this.

I downloaded d2loader and extracted it. From d2loader, I put the files: Diablo II.exe, d2hack.script, and the "Plugin" folder into my Diablo II folder.

2: I downloaded D2HackIt81 and extracted it. Now I tried 2 things. I pasted the whole D2Hackit folder itself into the Plugin folder. Then I went to my Diablo II folder and clicked the Diablo 2.exe (the d2loader one). I went in a game and nothing happened.

3: I tried something else. Instead of putting the whole D2Hackit folder inside the Plugin folder, I took the files inside the D2Hackit folder and put those files into the Plugin folder. Now I went to my Diablo II folder and clicked the DIablo 2.exe (the d2loader one) and it went to a black screen, stayed like that for about 7 seconds and then it makes that noise where your computer like rejects something. And it just went back to my desktop.

I downloaded D2Hackit81 from like a simple site, so the problem could be that that d2 hackit doesn't work. If you make conclude that this is the problem, please be kind enough to give me the site to the right one, (the mirrors in the stickies dont work.) If this isn't the case, please let me know how I can fix this. Thank you all.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that each time I do the thing in step 2, where I click Diablo 2.exe and it goes to the black screen, afterwards, in my Diablo II fodler, a file just gets placed there called "Crash Dump." Don't know what that is. Let me know whats wrong, thanks.


Respected Member
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
go to our bnet modification section and download d2hackit over there. it does not need to be extracted into the plugin folder as it has an external loader.exe


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