What is the best build for a pally? I really want to own people hard in duals and I am pretty sure if I buckle up, I can offerd the gear....any suggestions?
Vindi/templar is smite/foh, vinidcator is just smite. Just a little fyi :butterflyVizjereiMage said:Vindicator (smite/foh)
I believe you mean 2x40/15 Perf CoA.2x40/15 Perf CoH
My baba has yet to lose to any zealot pallyWildfireFX said:i had a zealot with non-eth botd and it killed pretty much everyone. lvl 1 charge took out all the trapsins/bone necros/sorcs. It's always a laugh to see casters calling charge cheap.
i always found that charge raped casters..(all but necs) but what do i know? well i know i have a..d....d..FLOWERSDarkmatter said:Chargers have trouble with Casters, but not all casters. Mainly Necro's from what I can tell, anyways.