yes g2k4 ids a gosddd plasdce to downlsdoad m,aphackeso. dont worthyuty botuf gettitin hackscs ftrorm thjereak0n said:Is this a good place to get it?
u couldnt be more wrong just put the c3po folder into ur plugin folder located in ur diablo II directory... and id like to know where u got the mousepad mh if its the new version wit the kewl font thats really all i want from itdremis said:While I'll admit C3P0 is nice it has at least one MAJOR problem, it won't work correctly with Zoid's pickit. I tried it every way these forums could think of. If you have C3P0 and zoid's loaded at the same time D2 crashed when some items are dropped. Most noticably all the quest pieces for act 2 and most Uniques if they are Id'd. So if you are NOT going to use pickit the C3P0 is killer. Otherwise I'd go with Sting's or one of the others.
Trojan Man said:u couldnt be more wrong just put the c3po folder into ur plugin folder located in ur diablo II directory...
newbie4lyfe said:i personally like mousepad..... simple to use, and hassel free