Ok now listen to my own build...
Str : enough for gear
Dex: Enough for max block (depends what shield are u gonna use-I prefer storm)
Vita: Rest of stats points here
en: Nothing
Gear: Archon plate enigma
jalal ''shael''
2 x sojs
magefist gloves
Shadowdancer boots
Stormshield ''Um''
Wzrd pike or hoto (i use hoto for melee chars and wzrd pike vs casters)
cta 3-6 bo is fine
Well... now I will ''explain'' my build: I use jalal and not shako because from jalal I gain Good fhr (50% with shael inside) , good res (30 all) , 20 str, 20 en , The 2 valuable druid skills etc...
Now lets go to shadowdancer boots : my druid has 60 str clean so i can use storm and shadowdancer boots easy (shadowdancer boots=164 str req~~) - I dont use classic sandstorm treks coz shadowDanCeR gives nice dex for blocking also 30% fhr and more stats (my shadowdancer gives +24 dex)
I use 8 x ele skillers and rest sc's are 20 life and some of them are 5% fhr - so i have 100% fhr its a really good number for pvp - In hell game (pvp) i have really good res vs elemental dmg (light,cold,fire) +75 res (wzrdpike) + 30 res (jalal) + nice res from stromshield ''um'' + some res charms + anya Q (res) I go REALLY good res - up to 75 in hell - aaa! however i use 5/5 cold facet on my wizrd pike - It is nice for Hurricane cold dmg - some druid's build is based to hurricane - it is also good build , 20% nw 5/5 cold facets etc...
I hope you like my build