Beer $lut
BattleForums Senior Member
He gave me my level 20 too.
When ROC first came out I was at camp without a decktop so I had my parents send me it so I could play it on my laptop. 4 mb graphics card by some company I've never heard of (the minimum for wc3 according to blizzard is 8mb), almost no RAM and a 700 celaron cpu. The game LITERALLY took 15 minutes to open up the first time I tried it. No joke. To play it I had to take the resolution down so that it only filled about half the screen and it took about 2-4 minutes to load every game, but hey, I still managed to beet the entire campaign on it (cept for the very last NE mission which I simply couldnt manage to beet on medium difficulty on that computer). It sucked to bad, I literally couldn't scrool using the mouse or the keyboard because it wouldnt respond for about another 4 seconds, so I had to click on the minimap.Originally posted by N_
I want to see the replay
But I have to realize Im on 8 mb gfx (no 3d), 64 RAM, and 600 cpu comp, and a laptop without War3
Yeah, the archmages health sucks, and its no match against grunts and wolves.Originally posted by Pan
He was a much better player, you can tell by his opening. The problem was he spent to long at tier 1. You can tell his rush he was a better palyer, he just didnt follow it up.
I love how he had a hero in red, ur hero died came back full health and went right back to red, while his was alive the whole time.
I believe minimum requirement is:Originally posted by Swooper
When ROC first came out I was at camp without a decktop so I had my parents send me it so I could play it on my laptop. 4 mb graphics card by some company I've never heard of (the minimum for wc3 according to blizzard is 8mb), almost no RAM and a 700 celaron cpu. The game LITERALLY took 15 minutes to open up the first time I tried it. No joke. To play it I had to take the resolution down so that it only filled about half the screen and it took about 2-4 minutes to load every game, but hey, I still managed to beet the entire campaign on it (cept for the very last NE mission which I simply couldnt manage to beet on medium difficulty on that computer). It sucked to bad, I literally couldn't scrool using the mouse or the keyboard because it wouldnt respond for about another 4 seconds, so I had to click on the minimap.