um me and some mates bought starcraft battlechest at this sale! 1/2 price anyway we wondering how could we play battlenet from our school computers which are at the moment Macs we are getting dual boot soon they run the programme novell client on the windows computers so i asume it is the server programme um now
um staff acount they can connect to steam(staff dude told us)
we cant
so same thing happend for starcraft we also have warcraft3 and would be cool play that to on b Net um. seem they have blocked most of the ports even so that msn doesnt work now um is there anyway we can connect?
say using a programme to go through firefox to connect to bnet as that and itunes are the only things that work.
i read another post from 4 years ago except it didnt make much sense and didnt seem to get resolved um
except for people mentioning ghost ip.
any help be awsome !!!
um staff acount they can connect to steam(staff dude told us)
we cant
say using a programme to go through firefox to connect to bnet as that and itunes are the only things that work.
i read another post from 4 years ago except it didnt make much sense and didnt seem to get resolved um
except for people mentioning ghost ip.
any help be awsome !!!