I definally appreciate the time you put into writing this, but it needs a few updates.
Q|What hacks were 'leaked'?
A|Fortress, ZGCrash, PrivateHacks112B.
Don't forget Zero!
Q|Were can I get mineral hack?
A|Mineral hacks ARE possible for offline but not online because server checks responsively every player's starting minerals. If you have more, BAM your dropped.
They Worked online in 1.07
Actually the Battle.net server does no checks, as StarCraft games are hosted P2P. You are actually desynced from the game because the data that you have for minerals do not match up with the data that your opponents have.
Unban Hack=I have AGENTGod's one, never got it to work hotkeys are home and end.
I think you need to elaborate more on this one, it actually spoofs a character in your name (because StarCraft handles bans on a username basis). Also this is only for the game lobby, not chat channels.
Speed Hack=Doubles the speed of gameplay., hotkeys are mostly f10 and f9
Just to let you know this can definally more than double the speed of gameplay.
Remote Commands=Only one that had this was my personal second favorite, Damned666
Should also be explained in greater detail, these let you further your cheating by exploiting a backdoor in maphack11b.dll on your opponents machine. Hacks that are not normally possible are made possible from this.
Spoof Message=Adds any message you want
Don't forget most of them let you type in color, crash people, and impersonate another user.
Doesn't exist, was referenced many times as a joke.
ChatLogger=Records ALl keystrokes. Like a key-logger.
Actually not like a keylogger, this doesn't record keystrokes at all, but actually the text that was sent into chat during game, so you can look back on logs and count how many times someone said, "lol" or "gg".
Hack-n To gain unauthorized access to a computer or file with the use of a program such as a
virus, key-logger, spyware, trojan, and backdoor.
Hacking does not have to be accomplished with the use of a program. Hacking is actually the art of exploitation, which doesn't mean it has to be on the Internet. It is considered to be anything from modifying a program, to defacing a website (cracking).
Starcraft Hack-n A program used to gain illegal access to a cheat for multiplayer or single
StarCraft hacks are not illegal to use, just against the Battle.net Terms-of-Service. And they don't really gain access to cheats, they force there own.
Otherwise, good text, I hope you can add what I have to say!