In another thread I said at least for me few melee games is better than forum posting, and too much PC is also bad but I can't get away from it.
How Bg is treating me? Glad you asked. My mom made me study something I've never wanted - political science related major. So I studied for 2 years, got away from it in the 3rd year - UMT, USA where I studied physics, astronomy etc what I really like. Then I went back earlier to BG trying to start from my 2nd semester of 3rd year, so that I don't finish 1 year later than my collagues cause here in BG - 1 Year studying abroad DOES NOT count i.e - delayed by 1 year. So I continued from 3rd year back this boring major, I got more and more hopeless with it and I stopped even studying ... . Now Im gonna be 4th year - LAST but I have to take few exams from last year + all exams from this year to graduate or I will delay that even more. I just wanna finish this and start something that I like more like real SCIENCE - area of biology, microbiology, biochemistry, etc, (cause I may do a lot worse with physics, I'm really not that genius). and I'll try to leave this wretched uni and look for better education elsewhere! Quarrels with my parents about that, etc. Well... that's my story.
And now after being a lil sick they gave me a medication that when swallowed, the capsule's content goes later into your liver and from there emits some things that go through your body and make you have some weird taste in your mouth, I guess I'm fine.