**I know this isnt the right place to post but please read**
Lately when I come to Battleforums I can't navigate anywhere unless I right ckick>open in new tab. I can't make threads, cause it takes me back to the "Community Forums" page.
When I'm at the portal, if I click "Community Forums" it takes me to the the page where it has Chot-Chat, Introductions, Arcane etc, etc, like normal.
When I click "Chit-Chat", my tab says "Chit-Chat-Battleforums.co...." but I'm still at the same page. Chit-Chat doesn't open unless I right-click>open in new tab.
"New Posts" does the same thing. The tabs say one thing but what I see says something completely different. In a other tab I have open now..damn, it won't show anything and I can't hit back.
Is there something I should have like an update or something to make this run correctly? At my GFs house this worked fine. I'm at home now and its not working. I at first thought it was glitches due to high traffic but that can't be the case. Help