[2:55:59 AM] Baal Bot v1.2.16
[2:55:59 AM] Copyright (C) 2005 Joshua Davidson
[2:55:59 AM] Registered to:
[2:55:59 AM] You can set the bot up by manually editing the setup.ini file in the bot directory or by using the "Bot Setup" button to the left.
[2:55:59 AM] Once everything is set up, just click "Connect Bot" and the bot will connect to battle.net and begin doing Baal runs for you!
[2:58:01 AM] Hashing information received...
[2:58:01 AM] Connected to battle.net (USWest.battle.net:6112)
[2:58:01 AM] MPQ Name: IX86ve29616 B=693951504 C=618001269 4 A=A+S B=B^C C=C^A A=A+Br6.mpq
[2:58:01 AM] Hash: A=6275
[2:58:01 AM] Executable Information: game.exe 02/13/05 01:50:24 1198857
[2:58:01 AM] Sending login information...
[2:58:02 AM] All authorizations passed, continuing login...
[2:58:02 AM] Successfully entered the battle.net chat environment...
[2:58:02 AM] Connected to MCP server (
[2:58:02 AM] Realm: USWest
[2:58:02 AM] Logged onto the MCP server, requesting character list...
[2:58:02 AM] Received character list, character "BaSsExE" found...
[2:58:02 AM] Successfully logged into character "BaSsExE"...
[2:58:02 AM] Login sequence continuing...
[2:58:10 AM] An error occurred while continuing the login sequence.
this is the clientless baal bot
[2:55:59 AM] Copyright (C) 2005 Joshua Davidson
[2:55:59 AM] Registered to:
[2:55:59 AM] You can set the bot up by manually editing the setup.ini file in the bot directory or by using the "Bot Setup" button to the left.
[2:55:59 AM] Once everything is set up, just click "Connect Bot" and the bot will connect to battle.net and begin doing Baal runs for you!
[2:58:01 AM] Hashing information received...
[2:58:01 AM] Connected to battle.net (USWest.battle.net:6112)
[2:58:01 AM] MPQ Name: IX86ve29616 B=693951504 C=618001269 4 A=A+S B=B^C C=C^A A=A+Br6.mpq
[2:58:01 AM] Hash: A=6275
[2:58:01 AM] Executable Information: game.exe 02/13/05 01:50:24 1198857
[2:58:01 AM] Sending login information...
[2:58:02 AM] All authorizations passed, continuing login...
[2:58:02 AM] Successfully entered the battle.net chat environment...
[2:58:02 AM] Connected to MCP server (
[2:58:02 AM] Realm: USWest
[2:58:02 AM] Logged onto the MCP server, requesting character list...
[2:58:02 AM] Received character list, character "BaSsExE" found...
[2:58:02 AM] Successfully logged into character "BaSsExE"...
[2:58:02 AM] Login sequence continuing...
[2:58:10 AM] An error occurred while continuing the login sequence.
this is the clientless baal bot