Mouse movement u type
MouseMove ( x, y [, speed] )
heres wut x y and speed is
x The screen x coordinate to move the mouse to.
y The screen y coordinate to move the mouse to.
speed [optional] the speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. Default speed is 10.
for typing a message you type:
send, (message)
to send stuff like enter and space u type:
send, {ENTER}
you must have the { and }
but if u want the mouse to click then instead of mousemove you have to type:
mouseclick, (left or right or middel button) x, y
if all your trying to do if active the notepad window then just type:
WinMaximaze, Notepad
and the notepad will be brought up and active
OT: hey this is to any1 who has been at BF for a long time is there a tutorial a good one not for spam ( starfishes ) but 1 thats shows all commands like win move and stuff u know like i could make a tutorial as a autoit file brings up windows tell then wut to do all that i would be willing to make if theres not just PM me or tell me in this thread