Anyone know any Tutorials?



I'm really new to map making at this game warcraft. I used to create maps for C&C games.

I'm just looking for tutorials to get me started.

Although I really don't want to create a whole map from scratch. I just want to edit this dota map I have and give it my own heros.

Well I really have no idea how to create a custom hero or custom abilities. So if you guys have any tutorials that you know, I would appreciate it.

Lastly I apologise for not searching through the forum. I just really don't know what I should be searching for. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. Thank you.


Feb 29, 2004
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First off, youll find that wc3 world editor is about a bizillion times easier than c&c and that you can do alot more things, almost anything actually. Your best bet is to just post here on this forum with any questions you have and people will respond with answers. For custom hero, open up the units palet(the one displaying all of the units of human etc) and at the top of the window it should say create custom unit. Pick any hero from the palet and edit him however you wish. For custom spells, go to unit palet and click the tab at the top of the window that says spells. Then click create custom spell and do the same thing as the hero.

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