I call bull****. As if anyone knew that Adam Monroe was Takezo. The only time it hinted at it was when Peter blasted his hand and you saw it heal.
it was a theory i had when kensei was shown having a healing facter that came true and the way i came up with it is high school literature that i cant get rid off :/.
My approach.
1) The legend of kensei. Story lead to the conclusion that kensei becomes evil. Reason, cutting of the heart is a symbol of taking the good out of oneself.
wut did hiro do lulz
2)Once Kensei power was establish is a healing factor, it can be easily concluded that he can retard age.
An opposing idea is that he had a few illegitimate kids before hiro met him and that it could just be his heir.
3) Adam is the first human and it seems to fit the earliest known mutant which is Kensei
What really ruined it was the explosion, we see his corpse i believe. it looks like his head/brain is gone with it so the healing factor in heroes seems limited to the same hindrance in other stories which is decapitation.
at the end where adam and peter met made me go yay i r leet. i had my doubts but i can at least say i got one guess right though out the series :tongue1:
this is why i got a 2 in ap english

i cant do novels but ican do tv/movie/comic books lulz
Now the real mystery is who the hell is good and who is evil :/