1.11 Anti-Hack List and Methods
╟Map Hack and 3-state map hack - Place a unit that crashes Starcraft in an
║area that can not be viewed normally during the game, an example of this is On
║top of a cliff or in the middle of a large body of water.This doesn't actually
║detect map hack. But if the player with maphack/blacksheepwall looks at that
║area, starcraft crashes.
║Examples of units that Crash Starcraft when veiwed are: Independant command
║center, SCV when disabled, Arbitor when disabled, Turret when disabled, and
║many more.
╟Map Hack, 3-state, and Anti-Hack Protection - For this, you need
║Starforge. Go into the sprites layer and place any sprite. Change the box to
║where it says "Sprite:____" and make it 12. Uncheck the "Draw as Sprite" box
║and check the "Disabled??" box. There you go. Even if a "Lite map hack" is
║used, it will crash when it sees this unit.
║Note: Sprite 12 is unstable, so I will find a better one.
║An effective way to use it is to place all players' start locations right where the
║crash would be if you had vision to that area. Most hack users do not turn off
║their hacks after every game, making them vulnerable.
║A good strategy is to place this all over the map and put a big location over
║every one. Although I haven't tested this, it may work. Make it so when a unit
║enters the location, it removes the crashing unit. I just thought of an advanced
║way to handle this as well. Resize your map so you have an area on the side
║that players can not go to, add the units there, make big locations spread all
║over your map, and "When -player- brings 0 units to -location on playing field-,
║move -crashing unit- from -location off the playing field- to -location on the
║playing field-". And just do the opposite when a player brings a unit there. Enjoy!
║Note2: Before all of you say a disabled SCV is better or something, you're
║wrong. Hackers are attempting to make a map hack that will not crash with the
║SCV, and possibly other units. With the sprite method, it is possible to
║get "Units" that are not even in Starcraft's database.
╟Ally Alert and Auto Unally - To have computer players or unused players
║(That are in the range 1-8) continually allying, allying victory, unallying every
║player with the following triggers:
║Set -player- to ally
║wait 5 millisecond
║set -player- to allied vic
║wait 5 milliseconds
║set -player- to enemy
║wait 5 milliseconds
║.........(^--Continue the above about 5 times for good stuff )
║Preserve trigger
║(low hyper trigger count optional)
║He will then become flooded with tons of messages saying "Player # has allied
║you" etc. and will be forced to shut down his ally alert.
║Note: This only works with the Ally Alert that gives the hacker a message of
╟Stack Hack and Creep hack - [METHOD 1] This is very simple. This may
║not work with all stack hacks, but it works with the current popular one. Well
║anyway, you can simply have under every player the following trigger:
║PLAYERS: -Player-
║ACTIONS: Execute AI script Turn on Shared Vision for -Player-
║Preserve trigger
║(Hyper triggers optional)
║[METHOD 2] This is a different way, if the other one doesn't work, or you have a
║certain type of map. Place map revealers for a computer player all over the
║place and have the computer player vision the human player. The human player
║will not be able to stack because of the computer player's vision.
║[METHOD 3] This is a more strategic way, which is to have 2 squares of terrain,
║close to each other so they are visable to units on opposite squares(but not
║touching each other), and have it surrounded by water/space/null terrain or
║something. Place a marine on one square for the player, and have a trigger
║always create enemy spider mines with a wait time in the other square. Then
║have another trigger execute when 2 or more spider mines are in the other
║square to alert all other players that someone is stacking. This works because
║when a player has unvisioned himself, his units do not normally attack since the
║player no longer has sight of that area.
╟Stay Alive Hack - When the player is suppose to end in defeat, have a
║wait after the trigger giving the player enough time to get out(Maybe wait 12500
║milliseconds) then give the player vision to a certain area that can not normally
║be viewed by players that will crash the game while moving the player's screen
║there as well.
╟Unit Alerts - It has come to my understanding it only alerts the player for
║the first time another player receives a certain unit. All you have to do is have
║triggers create the following units once, wait for about 200 milliseconds, then
║kill/remove them.
║-Dark Templar
║-A LOADED nuclear silo(You can do this by placing it first in the map owned by a
║computer player and use triggers ordering the computer player to load them
║with nukes, then give the silos owned by the computer player to human players)
║(I don't know if it will work if you preplace a nuke)
╟Game/Lobby Chat colours - Other players are warned when message is
╟Stack Hack Detection - Have a computer player keep visioning and
║unvisioning itself repeatedly with triggers. This will flood the hacker's screen like
║the anti-ally alert.
╟Fog hack - This may not be the best anti-hack, but it's better than
║nothing. Since the fog hack does not display units that will crash the game, you
║will have to make the idiot select something he does see. Place something
║interesting, that the player would love to just click on, and change the hp to a
║negative number in unit settings. Next, place the unit as a sprite-unit so that the
║hp will be like 100/-2000. Now at the beginning of the game, give all players
║vision of it, then take that vision away. Since the hacker can already see it, and
║if he clicks on it, the game will crash for him.
║Note: The unit must be a building/something that shows in the fog of war when
║you have no vision of that area.