I'm sure all you 1337 mapmakers out there have guys who idolize your work, join all of your games to give you praise, and help you spread your map all over the world. These are called fanboys.
Now in addition to fanboys I have this one guy who hates my work, joins all of my games to spam me, and spreads fake crashing versions of my maps all over the world. This is called an anti-fanboy.
Just curious, how many of you mapmakers have anti-fanboys?
I'm sure all you 1337 mapmakers out there have guys who idolize your work, join all of your games to give you praise, and help you spread your map all over the world. These are called fanboys.
Now in addition to fanboys I have this one guy who hates my work, joins all of my games to spam me, and spreads fake crashing versions of my maps all over the world. This is called an anti-fanboy.
Just curious, how many of you mapmakers have anti-fanboys?