An uber guide

Aug 16, 2005
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hi after experiance uber trist for the 1st last night ive decided to make a little template guide on it plz add comments, anything that needs more info, or is i missed anything n ill fix it up n produce a more up to date one with more info.
Well lets get started well first of id like to say from wat i saw its preety hard to solo this place without a godly smiter if any1 has screen shot of another char that isnt a smiter soloing this place id love to see it. (this is a guide for partying with a smiter or soloing with a smiter). sinse i have only been in once i assum meph, diablo and baal are all in the same place so lets ge started.
1. before u go in the portal make sure u have some full revs in your belt or meph will destroy u very easily if u arnt watching, then if u get time move away from the portal u DO NOT want meph sitting there if u die becuase if he is n u die goodbye unless your partying to your uber game.
2. once uve moved meph from the portal if your solo your best chance here would be to slowly with a exile take out meph strait away if u have faith in your shield your lifetap will work wonderfully n meph will take a while to go down but he will go down, (make sure u have plenty of pots just incase lifetap takes a while to work). if partying with a smiter get the smiter to run for meph n protect the hell outta him n destroy the minions first.
2. next go bak into town n refill on pots ull probley need to.
3. go into the middle n i myself perfare to goto baal him n diablo arnt that hard to kill but diablos minions are a pain in the ass they are immun to bascally everything.
4. run for baal if smiter he will tele away from the center n ull kill him with ease. if partying just team baal n he'll go down with even less trouble.
5.then refil on pots if needed then go strait for baal but if your party try to get some minions they will tare the smiter apart if the lifetap does not work strait away. then as he kills diablo u get minions till u can help out.
If your soloing this part this may be difficult since i think diablos minions are immune to phyiscal dmg so your best bet is to go strait for diablo n hope for lifetap.
when hes done i think hes minions go with him if not they will take a while but ull kill them with ease since they will already ahve the lifetap on them.
then collect your reward for this hard work (THE TORCH :D) then the standed of heros if u want them n your done. plz tell me if anything is incorrect or needs fixing. (this is my first guide ever so i dont know wat has to be including in them)


BattleForums Member
May 13, 2005
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Well If you are a smiter... With exile and Dracs.. Then lifetap should be a breeze to get casted... and with life tap i didn't have to use a single pot throughout the whole run...
Lured Meph out.. Dead
Went to the middle Lured Diablo to the side..Dead
Turned around Attked Baal...Dead

Thats all it is Then u Grab the torch, SoH
Leave game
Make another game transfer ur torch
Make another game Cube ur next Organ set

Repeat This process....
Aug 16, 2005
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this is just a shorter version as i was in a hurry ill make a longer one with mroe details as in equipment etc


Jan 18, 2006
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Ive uber tirsted with my lv 94 barb, ive taken out baal and d with no prob, uber meph is tough but can be done, if you lure him into the building behind the portal his minons cant spawn so one life tap cast killing him is not so hard. my barb uses

p arch fort
3ll uped arrents w/15ias 14 resit jewel
eboth zerk
ss w/40/15 jewel
switch wpns: 2x 3wc wpns
up gores
crafted plus 2 barb ammy w str and all resist
p raven
rare 20 str all resist ring
b torch
2x wc gc's
varios other charms w/fhr, life, max dmg, ar
str - 280
dex - 200
vit - 1400 life w/o bo
engr - none

max - bo/shout concentrate and synergies


Sep 18, 2004
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Thinks the "Guide" is the 1 in the first post.. (but it aint really a guide) It needs more Work... More details of why you did what ,... and it needs to look a little better..

Aug 16, 2005
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so if i fixed it up went through the steps i took added items that i used, give abit mroe strats it will be kinda of a guide?


Dec 23, 2002
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BC, Canada
See if you can accomplish everything listed here:
RazieL said:
Raz's Guide to Guides

Many of you have the general idea and/or are sometimes on the dot with your builds. However for people reading your quick skill / equip lists, the posts lack information. RPGForums needs to get a good amount of strong in depth guides so to encourage you all to put a little more time and effort into your guides I've written up a little checklist and some guidelines for creating a Build Guide.

1) Give your guide a layout that is easy to read, original, and looks well organized. Include a Table of Contents in your guide and label each section as a number and/or letter so that the sections are easily referenced. This also allows readers to use a quick text search for the section they want and be able to go straight to it. Determine your sections by subjects. (i.e. skills list, equip list, duel tips, leveling, etc)

2) Include how to level the build. Where to place your skill points at what levels as well as possibly listing good equipment to aid the player in leveling. Same goes for stats. List when to add to certain stats during the leveling process.

3) Check your information several times before posting. Be sure that your numbers are correct. Reference The Arreat Summit for a lot of your formula's and other information.

4) Include any math, calculations, theories, or experience that brought you to your conclusion as to why you built this character the way you did.

5) When listing your equipment be sure to specify the quality of the items with mods that can varie. (i.e. Annihilus spawns +10-20 all stats)

6) Include final damage, life, mana, and any other stats so that the reader may determine if this is a character that they feel strong enough to attempt.

7) Use proper punctuation and be sure your guide is legible. Many times readers are easily confused where punctuation is missing. Make sure you are clear on everything and re-read your guide several times before posting.

8) Check and see if there is all ready a guide for the build in the forums. If yours varies more than 20% from the existing guide then there is no harm in posting yours. If it does not varie more than 20% then you can probably get your point across by simply posting in that guide's thread, rather than creating an entirely new one.

9) Please don't include rumors in your guides. Readers assume your guide to be 95-100% pure hard fact and a proven build. If your build is experimental then mention it at the beginning and end of your guide. Experimental guides are different from RUMORS. If you hear a rumor you may think to be true then make sure you can research it and prove it right before including it in your guide.

10) When you finally post the final copy of your guide be sure to attach the txt file for download by the reader. This allows the reader to have your guide in a convenient place for them without having to copy and paste your entire post.

11) Keep your entire guide Uniform. This means using maybe 2 highlightable colors at most. (i.e. white for normal text, red for chapter titles, pink for important information.) Use the same color scheme through out your entire guide. Make sure you are consistent with your text alignment and spacing. If you have a huge paragraph in your guide then double space it to make it easier on the reader's eyes. Small things like that. Space out Chapters with a few enters. Make full use of [fake]indent[/fake] and [fake]list[/fake].

12) Your readers shouldn't have to go to other sites to find information that they may need to know in order to complete your guide. Include any and all information that you think you would want to see if you were the reader. This includes such things as starting stats, stat bonuses on level up, break points, other equipment options, etc. etc. No matter how small a detail may be, it is always one less detail that your reader will have to go look up!​

Follow these guidelines and hopefully we'll have a lot more in depth guides and inspire some superb discussions. Following these guidelines will benefit us all.

I can't encourage enough how important content and orginization is!!!

([ Include a "CREDITS & DISCLAIMER" section where you specify that this guide is infact your authentic hard work and dedication and address any borrowed information and the source you received it from. No one wants credit for their guides stolen. ])

Aug 16, 2005
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ok with number 9: could any1 tell me excatly wat diablos venon lords are immun to i knwo tis a fair bit but i dont its almsot everything or since im gonna be creating it should i find it out myself?


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Want an easier way with only 2 people ...

Use a meteor sorc and a bone necro.
Bone prison the hell out of the area arond one of the Ubers, Meteor him till he dies. Then repeat for the other two. Easy done.

some are immune to physical, others immune to magic, others immune to elemental.
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
but meph, baal n diablo could break outta the prision in 2 shots plus the sorc would have defence troubles since she cant get many bounes on it.


Aug 9, 2005
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RazieL said:
7) Use proper punctuation and be sure your guide is legible. Many times readers are easily confused where punctuation is missing. Make sure you are clear on everything and re-read your guide several times before posting.
I think 'i play with blizz' ignores this rule every day of his life.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
i play with blizz said:
but meph, baal n diablo could break outta the prision in 2 shots plus the sorc would have defence troubles since she cant get many bounes on it.
thats why you keep spamming the prison, so they are doing nothing but waisting time. Sorc wont have any problem if built correctly and everything will be bone prisoned so nothing will touch her. Ask around on here, bone necro and meteor sorc is a kickass combo for Uber. Since you have only done this once, and I was doing it the day the patch came out I think I got a bit more reliability. No offence.


Dec 23, 2002
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BC, Canada
Well, an obvious disadvantage of sorc/necro pair is's a pair, whereas the "traditional" Smiter is very efficient for just one player.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
AznAvatar said:
Well, an obvious disadvantage of sorc/necro pair is's a pair, whereas the "traditional" Smiter is very efficient for just one player.
One major flaw though, you cant really defend against all 3 to where the bone prison and meteor will block off all while attacking. Yes as a solo player no one beats the smiter in uber runs, but at the same time who really wants to solo it on their virgin run of the area.

Bliz no offence about my earlier post I was ... a bit tipsy, and it came off sounding rude my appologies.


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