An idea




This is my first post and im not the 1337 |-|4xz0r3 but i have an idea some of your elite guys can work with :)

- I was in a game with my friend, we spammed gold and soul stones with msd :p, he's really a "hack noob" he was very impressed when i "duped" soulstones and i did it in some time.

We was in the game in a hour i think then i go to trade, filled my inventory with Soulstones before trade, filled trade window with STs, then my inventory with .msd dupe 40 and my friend hit space ( leave trade ) and ALL STs are gone, the 40 i made before trade and the 40 i made IN the tradewindow.

I was wondering if this can lead to anything? :)

And second, after i made .msd dupe 50 in act1 without any c/i or anything i go to TW with my friend, i showed my raven frost VERY fast and just when it hits the tradewindows screen i got c/i and r/d, i dont know if its a rollback, i did not gave him any items or moved in my inventory or anything so i could see it.

If this is nothing im sorry i wasted your time, but it's an idea :).

( Sorry for my english, it could been better :p )

( If any1 play europe whisper RaZzY_Dunno - i need your help to something very important :) )


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Under my bed (Spain)
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Sounds nice but... the first thing... inventory is "rolled back" when you exit trade, so the stones you made while u were in trade window weren't really made...
Anyway i play eur i'll whisper you right now (oh and im glad that you use my module ^^ it got really popular ^^)


I really dont know what packages it send, but readme:

MephStoneDupe made by TheAce

This module was made to "dupe" Mephisto Soulstones. The way it works is pretty simple:
1) Load d2hackit.
2) Load MSD module (.load msd)
3) Go to Act 4 and click on Cain, then close the talking window so module picks his ID.
4) Type ".msd dupe x" where x is the number of stones that you want.


Feb 23, 2003
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the check if player already had a soulstone was clientside, therefor it was possible to simply send the "receive ss"-packet over and over again (which contains cains ID that is why u have to click him first)

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