Createa variable (integer) that with every 'shot' decreases. If you're attacking, it's a different story..... If/then/else trigger to determine whether shot goes.
Trigger 1:
EVENT: Your event
ACTION: If variable=0 THEN Do nothing else ... (I don't really know what you want)
Make a variable called ammo or somthing to that effect. have it so that every time the guy shoots it goes down one. have a trigger that says something like:
-------generic unit event - unit is is issued an order targeting an object
-------unit type - unit type of attacking unit is equal to *your guy*
-------order - issued order is equal to "attack"
-------if ammo is = 0 then order attacking unit to stop else set ammo = (ammo-1)
I'm not sure if the "generic unit event - unit is is issued an order targeting an object" will work if you never tell the guy to attack again after the first right-click. But other then that this trigger should work
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