Whats all this talk about this new program out to make Maphack undetect? This C++ type of program. How does this work? Do we copy the code? Take it to C++ and turn it into a dll and place it into the folder with easymap? Im so frickin lost, but so eager to learn. I was going to go to college for this computer stuff. Decided not too.. kinda wish i would of took more c++ and sh*t tho so this would all be more visable to me. Just start leaving replys on this. Flame away too if you must i dont give 2 sh*ts. Thanks...
Keep up the hacks personally and everyone WOULD agree if they wanted too, but the game is MUCH funner with a working non bannable maphack so DONT sit there and say its not, when you find that UBER drop youve been looking for that took 45 meph runs but only took 35 mins to complete with mh. So lets see what you people have to say on that.
Keep up the hacks personally and everyone WOULD agree if they wanted too, but the game is MUCH funner with a working non bannable maphack so DONT sit there and say its not, when you find that UBER drop youve been looking for that took 45 meph runs but only took 35 mins to complete with mh. So lets see what you people have to say on that.