BattleForums Junior Member
Just wanted to say battleforums staff/everyone else you are doing a great job in bringing in the new patch. Between the guides with in hours of the new patch, and already working on "mods" for the new patch you guys got to be the best out here.Now I know some dislike the new patch,some love it but regardless of that,you guys are providing excellent information to all of us and I would like to say thank you for that,the info. may not be much but I appreciate the effort and time put in,and like I said,your doing a great job. Other then that,I took it upon myself to put out on the diablo realms,not spamming,but just going around in games and what not trying to talk people into coming here,and no not by telling them we have hacks or something.....but by the info and kickass staff we have Also I reminded them to vote so we can take the lead,and break some records . I've been around this forum a fairly decent amount of time and have watched it grow and grow,even with some bad times and good,this place always seems to be the best forums out there today. Keep up the great work everyone,catch ya on useast