I made this post for people smart like:
/- TheSummit
/- Starfish
/- Ultimate Empire
/- PyroKid
/- qster
/- Savage
/- Korittke
--And any 1 else who is smart and can program--
I havent been lookin around in a long time, but I was thinking.
we have learned to sniff out going packets, and pretend to recieve a incomming packet. leats say that I am on diablo 2, and I have aim on at the same time. My best friend messages me, and my d2 window goes small. Then mephisto kills me. What a pain. Ok, so I put an away message up. Thats ok I guess, but then I cant talk on aim while I am in a game.
Things To Rember:
when you are in a game, d2hacket allows you to chat in color, which means you could recieve a packet that says something in color, and even by a fictional user (ex. aim). Same applies in channels
Proposed Program:
Leats say my friends sn is BOBISKING82. If he sends an aim message to me, a program could intercept that message, and then use the .recieve command to say it recieved a message like fallows
(AIM:<BOBISKING>hi, can you come to my house in 30 min?)
In game, that would be so nice. you could have it say it in red, so every one knows it is from aim. The same thing for channels. Then, if you programers feel like beeing really nice, you could make it so we could type something like
(/w aim//boboisking ya, do you want me to bring over that game I was telling you about?)
NOTE: Blizzard is probably going to find some way to detect d2 hackit, so it would be really nice if you could make not even interact with d2hackit
Thanks a ton
I have trust that some people will agree with me.
I would like it if EVERYONE would show their support in this program, and in the wonderfull people listed above!!!
I made this post for people smart like:
/- TheSummit
/- Starfish
/- Ultimate Empire
/- PyroKid
/- qster
/- Savage
/- Korittke
--And any 1 else who is smart and can program--
I havent been lookin around in a long time, but I was thinking.
we have learned to sniff out going packets, and pretend to recieve a incomming packet. leats say that I am on diablo 2, and I have aim on at the same time. My best friend messages me, and my d2 window goes small. Then mephisto kills me. What a pain. Ok, so I put an away message up. Thats ok I guess, but then I cant talk on aim while I am in a game.
Things To Rember:
when you are in a game, d2hacket allows you to chat in color, which means you could recieve a packet that says something in color, and even by a fictional user (ex. aim). Same applies in channels
Proposed Program:
Leats say my friends sn is BOBISKING82. If he sends an aim message to me, a program could intercept that message, and then use the .recieve command to say it recieved a message like fallows
(AIM:<BOBISKING>hi, can you come to my house in 30 min?)
In game, that would be so nice. you could have it say it in red, so every one knows it is from aim. The same thing for channels. Then, if you programers feel like beeing really nice, you could make it so we could type something like
(/w aim//boboisking ya, do you want me to bring over that game I was telling you about?)
NOTE: Blizzard is probably going to find some way to detect d2 hackit, so it would be really nice if you could make not even interact with d2hackit
Thanks a ton
I have trust that some people will agree with me.
I would like it if EVERYONE would show their support in this program, and in the wonderfull people listed above!!!