Age of Mythology v.s. Warcraft 3


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 6, 2003
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Both feature the classic real time strategy gameplay, but which one can stand my opinion? Lets put it to the test:

Warcraft 3

BIG Giant trees, lush green grass, thick with foliage, from the whisps of nature to the giant storms of a spell. The graphics are tight, quick and will pop your eyes out if not soon enough. The taller trees become transparent when the camera is in front and a little indicator tells when a peon has sent his goods. The animation for building buildings is definetly smooth. Very few eye sores, but after a while, the colors can get a little too sharp during the day. Day or night, the graphics are sweet.

The camera is fast, snappy and definetly reliable. Holding insert and delete can change the angle, but there isnt much reason for that. When zooming in and out the camera could get a little jumpy, but it's angled so that you would only keep it on default, allowing you to concentrate on the works.

Unlike Starcraft, there isnt a hatchery to kill your ears. Instead of the same old 'yes sir' and 'alright' responds, each one is said with passion and definetly dosnt sound like their reading it from a script. The bashing of a hammer on a building is such a beautiful sound, but when it comes to music, you wouldnt get much out of it. Most of the time the background music is more like an ambience to the diffrent races. But its there.

We all know the first level; you have the hero paladin with his giant hammer comming in from a beautiful cutscene. You and a couple of footmen run around town helping villagers from bandits. Collecting items which may help you later in the game. The idea of a hero in a game is so limitless in so many ways. Playing a 2 on 2 with the same people all the time is not going to be the same way twice. One may build a diffrent hero, or the chances of defeating all the creeps first adds so much variety. Teamwork is a big plus when it comes to multiplayer. The main menu interface feels slow [The menu on chains].

Age of Mythology

lts blocky, its cluncky, and its definetly blurry. The textures and water effects are very similar to C&C Generals. The effects level is very low and there arn't even animated portraits. Some units look the exact same from a distance with a diffrent weapon. There isnt much diversity in the look of a building, a house looks like a house, but nothing more.

The camera feels very jumpy and loose, there tends to be sort of an 'acceleration' feel when moving around. There isnt much to a demanding fast paced camera. When clicking on the minimap, the view will 'slide', not 'jump' to the spot, making the frame rate drop incredibly when trying to get to a certian part. The controls are customizable.

Cling clang goes the swords, 'yes sir' goes the script. Voice actors at Ensamble studios probobly double as the programmers themselves when it comes to clinking of the spoons or zooms of the arrows. The sound appeared dull and repetative.

In the first level you must defend a town by the sea. Heres the first problem; the pre-built base is total chaos. The look-alike buildings of a blacksmith is on one side of the town, while the other is on the other. lts a pretty large town with a few towers. Of course, lt was designed for protection, but when you get 1 barrack near the back of the base, sending units all over town is a chore. And it's hard enough with the game frame rate dropping to 2 when trying to snap back to another area. Town centers cant be built anywhere you want, you must find a 'settlement' to build one on, built on the map. This limits the possibilities for strategy, instead of the designers thinking it would add more. The idea of settlements only makes a strategy game feel more like groundhogs day. Some of you may think that the idea of creating many mythological creatures is great and all, but belive me, its like creating a single unique unit for the game with extra hit points and you have seen the game.

Final Thought:
Warcraft 3 wins 99% to 1% with a 1% margin of error.


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
AoM's cinematics are awesome though.....

Warcraft > AoM any day, though many other game sites think otherwise. AoM is either easy or hard. The ultimate God powers are too powerful and Myth units are too strong.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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WarCraft 3 graphics look like crap compared to Age of Mythology. Just my opinion though.


Nov 12, 2003
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Beyond Religion and Science
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AoM is an embarrassment to the series. AoK would stand a better chance against WarCraft. Ive never even played WC, but I know it has to be better...:eek:


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