Africa the way it is.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Nobodies refusing them children. Common sense would dictate don't have children if you can't keep them alive. Theres plenty of different tribes and such in africa that live off of the land just fine. They build shelters, they collect food and make clothes. They do all this without a penny to their name. Look at it this way... Would you risk the chance at having a child when there was a very good chance that you'd have to watch him wither away to nothing and die? No, obviously not.
This is obviously wrong. I mean if you're alone with your life partner in some hut obviously things will happen and you will have kids and they don't terminate it. I don't know how to word this better can some one to better for me. I have to write a paper on this.

hoping celestial or Cort can do some of their magic.


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york
I actually agree. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that people in africa keep having children when they have no way of providing for them. So when they have sex and have this child it is based off of pure selfishness.

I think the same thing about people who are poor in the U.S and keep having children.

Dont have the way to take care of them...don't have them. It's that simple.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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write about how africa's the missing link and people there can't help having kids because they're driven by their biological impulses and lack higher brain function. especially if your prof is black.

actually if you take away the racism that biological impulse argument works. there are tons of philosophical articles on how mating is rooted in evolutionary biology. we have higher brain function so we justify it by selectively mating and mating for life (in most cases) but it's still rooted in our evolution. also if you want to be a smart ass you can argue that the question is inherently racist because it ignores high child mortality rates in earlier developing western cultures and focuses on present day developing african nations. if western culture had said "our children keep dying! may as well just stop having children!" that over-privileged dick wouldn't even be alive to write his poorly phrased question. also, point out that "Theres" in the third sentence should be "there are". that'll show him.

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