To answer the original questions...
1) Pro-Life, True-Choice (will explain)
2) Yes
3) Never (will explain)
4) Who isn't?
6) I, personally, don't like the idea (will explain)
I am pro-life, and, because of how I think, often call myself a "true-choicer". It's a difficult concept to understand because of the ignorance that people seem to have. Where is the choice in abortion? One person out of a litany! Where is the father's choice? The parents' choice (of the mother and father)? The, most importanlty of all, UNBORN CHILD'S? Sexual Intercourse (not including rape of any form) is a "democratic" process, so pregnancy should be also. If you don't want a child, use a condom or some form of protection that will prevent the sperm from uniting with the egg.
Am I in favor of legislature change? THE WOMEN WHO SUED THE GOVERNMENT TO LEGALIZE ABORTION WANT LEGELATION CHANGED! Gee, that's a twist! Those women didn't know what they were getting themselves (and the world) into. They hadn't had an abortion until sometime in the 1990s. Now, after experiencing that and going through a verily avoided subject, post-abortion stress disorder (or something to that effect...), they are trying to change the law once again. This time they are pro-life.
Okay, I said I do not condone abortion, period, but... I have to say that I can sympathize (sp?) with a rape victim. Incest... I'd, personally, hope for a miscarriage. "GOD's way of cleaning house." I, personally, believe that abortion actually makes "rape" less of a crime (to the rapist). I'm assuming here a male raped a woman (yes, women do rape men -- less publisized... A LOT). The guy is only getting a slap on the wrist and doesn't have to worry about any kind of "afterthought" punishment. Meh, I hate trying to explain the wierd idea I had about this... Tempest Storm or CelestialBadger might remember... I'm not going into it again!
I've commented on "birth-control", but I'll use this to go into "the morning after pill" too. The "morning after pill" prevents the egg from accepting sperm -- I think --, so you won't find any real arguement from me. Comdoms are ~98% effective, so they are a viable option. I've heard the packaging takes too long to open though. Or is that just a bad sitcom joke? Diaphrams... I'm afraind I don't know enough about them. Pills that "kill" the egg that's matured before the sperm gets there are okay, I guess. Spermicide, that's a decent solution. It just adds to the already acidic environments.
It does partially have to do with the fact that I, as a Christian, believe that, upon conception, a holy house for GOD is created. >>Yes, we believe our bodies to be temples or houses<<