A possible dupe


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Jun 7, 2003
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I dont take any credit for this and you are all looking at my post coutn and probably see that is like 0. Well I do read this forum quite a lot but I never do post. This dupe method is long but a couple of people have confirmed this at d2network.com. BTW please dont flame me on this information, I am just bringing up this post to possibly help others. Anyways peace out enjoy. And I havent tested it... everything below this sentence isnt my doing.

k, I haven't tested it yet, and all credit of this goes to stormwind who originally posted it at gods-network. Here's the method:

it works, i have tested it but its annoying as hell takes 30 mins to dupe 1 item so its not worth it but anyway:

1). Game Must Have 2 Players
2). Both Players Must Go To ACT4 & Both Must have A Cube
3). Player 1 Must Not Have The Soulstone Quest completed...
4). Player 1 Loads Rollback While Player 2 Loads SnifferXP
5). Player 2 Types The Following: .snifferxp load show-all
6). Player 1 Gets Rollback By Useing The Module By Getting 40 Soulstones From Cain.
Gets an R/D......
7). Now To Lag The Game; Player 1 Re-enters the game
8|). Player 1 Rollbacks Once Again, And Keeps Doing So Till He Gets 300 Soulstones.
9). Once You Have Enough Soulstones, And YOu Notice A Lag Every Few Seconds: Player 1
Loads Snifferxp and types .snifferxp load show-all
10). Player 2 Drops The Cube From His Inv On The Ground.
11). Player 1 Writes The Packet Down (That Shows What Packet That Drops The cube on the
12). Player 1 Loads CIC(module) And Places a Chipped Gem in the cube to make the "fake Cube".

Note4: If hitting transmute with arrows in the cube they turn into bolts then hitting
transmute buttom it should make a gem in the next stage. (this can be used to easily make a

Note5: The item you place inside will be the item you want to dupe, but you can not dupe the
item unless you have the basic standern name of that item. Like their is a Wind Force Hydra
Bow -To dupe the Wind Force you are going to need a clean Hydra Bow in ur inv and a clean Wind
Force in ur cube.

13). Place The item You Want To Dupe In Ur Cupe (example: Windforce)
14). Place The HydraBow(Regular Hydrabow) In The Top right Of Your Inv!
15). Use SnifferXP To Send The Packet You wrote Down Earlier From Player 2's Cube that He Dropped.

Note6: The Wind Force must be placed in the fake Cube, and the amount of fake cube will
determind the amount of dupes - Best amount is 3 you might get a RD if anymore - You most have
3 Hydra Bows aswell

16). YOu Hand?? At This Point By Sending 60 Packet About 40 times........

17). Player 1 Typed "/f Msg Test" Over and over untill player 2 sees that player 1 has exited

Note7: Player 1 and Player 2 must have each other on their friends list for this to work - to
know that Player 1 has hanged

18|). Player 1 has now hanged but is still in the game which is exactlly what must happen.

19) Player 1 Uses Sniffer to send the packet he wrote down and it will drop the original cube.

With all the lag and Player 1 hanged it will case the original Wind Force to be in the left
corner and the duped where the Hydra Bows where placed. Their for you now duped with CIC.


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May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
It would take forever to read that. I have a bad headache. Well, I don't know who will try that. And honey, never take ambian (sleeping pill) while you drink :) Sorry about my off topic note. But anyways, I think that the other dupe is alot simpler and easy not some 19 step thing.


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Jun 7, 2003
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Heres more information on the dupe and an edited ver. from an other forum. Its basically saying the same thing but what the hell... I have now seen this dupe on 3 different forums.. so something may be up with this 18 step dupe lol.... Sorry if this sounds like a repost...

Note: All Unid items, jewels, gems, charms, runes, and socketed items can not be duped sadly
CIC: Cube in Cube Module

1) 2 players game the same game
2) Both Players go to act4 and they both most have a cube
3) Player 1 most have the SoulStone quest not-Complete
4) Player 1 loads Rollback While Player 2 loads Sniffer
5) Player 2 makes it that so he can see Incoming and outgoing Packets in the game
6) Player 1Rollbacks by get 40 Soulstones from Cain with the module, drops out of the game,
Get realmdown

Note3: Its best to have DSL / PhoneLine go get a new ip adress and not have to wait 30 minutes

7) Now you need to Lag the game - Player 1 re-enters the game and drops all the soulstones
Player 1 Rollbacks once again and keeps doing it until their are at least 300 Solustones or
once u notice its very Laggy
9) Once their is enought soulstones and u notice a lag once every-few seconds Player 1 loads
sniffer and makes it so that Player 1 can see Incoming and outgoing Packets in the game
10) Player 2 drops the cube in his inv
11) Player 1 write down the packet used to drop a cube on a piece of paper with a pen
12) Player 1 loads CiC and places a Chipped gem in the cube to make the fake cube

Note4: If hitting transmute with arrows in the cube they turn into bolts then hitting
transmute buttom it should make a gem in the next stage, this can be used to easily make a

Note5: The item you place inside will be the item you want to dupe, but you can not dupe the
item unless you have the basic standern name of that item. Like their is a Wind Force Hydra
Bow -To dupe the Wind Force you are going to need a clean Hydra Bow in ur inv and a clean Wind
Force in ur cube.

13) Place the item u want to dupe in ur cube - Lets say a Wind Force
14) Place the Hydra Bow in the right top corner of ur inv
15) Use Sniffer to send the Packet you got earlier from Player 2 dropping their cube on the
ground - to drop ur original cube

Note6: The Wind Force most be placed in the fake Cube, and the amount of fake cube will
determind the amount of dupes - Best amount is 3 you might get a RD if anymore - You most have
3 Hydra Bows aswell

16) You hand at this point by sending a 60 Packet about 40 times - I am not good with Packets
ask WKH he has great experince with Packets and Sniffer

17) Player 1 then types /F Msg Test Over and over until it tells Player 2 Player 1 has exited

Note7: Player 1 and Player 2 most have each other on their friends list for this to work - to
know that Player 1 has hanged

1 Player 1 has now hanged but is still in the game which is exactlly what most happen
19) Player 1 Uses Sniffer and send the packet he wrote down on the piece of paper with his pen
and it will drop the original cube

With all the lag and Player 1 hanged it will case the original Wind Force to be in the left
corner and the duped where the Hydra Bows where placed. Their for you now duped with CIC.

There is also a couple of screenshots in korean.. i believe its at http://forums.blizzhackers.com/viewtopic.php?t=68828

Ultimate Empire

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May 18, 2003
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the packet "60" will give you an r/d with no rollb`ack


Jun 2, 2003
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um how do you load "rollback", u mean the rbxp module?

i thought it has been patched

nvm i found where it say how you can rollback....

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