You dont want it! No such hack exsists! It's fake! The screenshot is real, but the concept of selecting more then 12 is impossible! I have studied how this part of the game works. People assumed that all you had to do was change a twelve which would represent the amount of units you can select, but there is no 12. There is no number stopping you from selecting 12 units, there is simply only enough room in the code to select 12 units. When you select a unit it writes down the ID of the unit in at least 3-4 places, one for the graphics, one for the interface, one for actually controlling the units, the last one controlling the other three. You can't select more then twelve units because theres no room to put any mode ID'S down. Thats why this hack is fake. Thats why all screenshots for it are fake, because it can't be done. All I did was freeze the amount of units I have selected, you can't actually control more then twelve units at a time. Its a hoax, thats what I was out to prove. Oh sure, I can select 200 units, but I can only tell 12 to do anything. But, you can select more then one building using this, that might be usefull. Its just... I've read other forums, people saying that users like Archn and Cangiz and other elite users have this hack. But they don't, because its not possible, the server also keeps track of the amount of units you have selected, even if it was possible, which its not, even offline.
However, a hack that tells what units the other player has selected is possible. I can do that, you have four scvs, I can tell you which one your selecting, but it takes a minute, because I have to actually read the code, and individually select the units to get there ID. But theres probably a way to insert a circle around the unit using some sort of program that inserts images at an allocation. This hack would be easy to make, but I don't think its ever been publicly, because the private hackers want it, because they are greedy little bastards. If you are interested in making this hack but don't know how, I don't know either, but I can give you the locations that store the unit ID's.
Oh, and about suicide hack, heres how I made it. I went into Aresenal 3, and went to orders, and looked up the patrol command, and its ID. I pressed patrol on a unit. I typed in the number for the ID. I selected another command on the unit, I looked up the ID for the command in Aresenal 3, typed it in the hacking program, and pressed search, repeat. Then, I had one location that controlled what command your about to tell a unit to do. Change this command to 0, it blows the unit up. Then, I showed it to l(nwn, or Knwn4Trbl, and he put it in his hack, stole it, everybody else stole it from him, and now its across the internet. If the original hack is still out there, then its the only one that gave me credit. l(nwn, or Knwn4Trbl, has stated himself that he didn't make it. But no one recognizes that. Honestly, who the hell steals a hack that blows up your own units? How useless is that? And, this is also the same method they used for the hover hack, which crashes the users that have the hover command. So really, Camelot Systems are the one at the very bottom you should thank, they are the ones who made the program where I got the command ID's from, but I probably still could have figured it out, I would have just had to individually test every single number to see what it does, which would have been very cumbersome.
And you know what? Its not even hard. I made these hacks when I was like 12, using cheat engine.