182. You have list of every single quotes from every units in War3
183. You draw fanart
184. You have TFT poster in your room, mainly Illidan
185. You are Dota map creator, and creates new versions everyday.
186. You post War3 guides
187. You think you're so 1337, you go around clans and start 1v1
188. You mass Gryos (LOLOL @ JEN)
189. You have level 350 in Wind and Cloud RPG v2.1, without any help.
190. You pay for online TFT tutors.
191. You go nuts when you see Showtime or Grubby or MadFrog
192. You go nuts when people leave your dota games.
193. You sit on computer for 24/7, playing dota or typical TFT games.
194. You rig up footmen wars
195. You rig up arenas
196. You have bazillion accounts with at least 4 icons
197. You are red_newbie (trust me, he plays ALOT, no offence dude

198. You are clan hopper
199. You go to clan GGL, thinking you're cool when you hang out there.
You have account named CN.Derz on Azeroth, and you're Chinese.

lolkol GG nubs