I have no idea what I'm talking about? Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I do. HxC raiders on WoW are the worst type of MMO players ever. You guys qq about every little thing, about how hard ti is to get loot, how many people are in said loot parties, how theres gonna be loot that's comprible to your saught after epix, when in reality you ARE being spoonfed.
WoW is the ezmode mmo of all mmos, and I'm prety sure I've played largescale more MMO's than well, all of you combined. Go play DAoC and spend 2 hours RUNNING to the epic mob, then another hour or 2 killing him, only to have him drop ONE item. Yes, ONE. Or go play L2 where you apparntly raid some dragon with 400 people for 3 hours only to wipe and lose 2 levels that take weeks to get. Or EQ where you try and raid endgame content and wipe, losing your body to a point where it's unredeemable and all your items decay, leaving your character with just his naked body to fend for himself, all the while losing a huge chunk of xp every kill.
WoW is for casuals, and blizzard is tailoring the game to them. Why else do you think theres 10million players?
And it's not fair for those of us that can't spend hours upon hours upon hours a week doing BT and Hyjal over and over and over and over so we can get some loot.
Raiders QQ when casuals get items that are actually decent for once, yet when new raid items (lollegendaries and such) come out, casuals hardly if ever complain "aw man thats not fair!"
They're being implimented for those of us that don't have the time to go through Kara, Gruuls, Mag, SSC, TK, Hyjal, then BT, just to do these new zones. Remember Nax? Probably not, beause only .04% of WoW players set foot in it up to the day BC was released. (Census) They don't want their new areas to be another ****up like that place was.
Also, pretty sure all you guys are doing is qq qq qq qq qq casuals get decent gear qq qq qq qq. Have you even looked at the things your crying about? It's not like we can farm all day every day and be up to the kind of loot you guys are in within a month, because there just isn't that much things added. So what if we get some beast DPS sword or Axe or some crazy Mageblade that costs us 150 Badges. You guys get t5/6, and all the other insane amount of gear/drops that youre guilds are getting by farming said instances.
Trust me, 'casuals' that go and buy these items will have no where near the same amount of gear as a hxc raider, and it's not like you can only get them if you're never going to raid. Hell, I know plenty of people that are happy about this, because they can finally upgrade their weapon and what not because they just arn't getting drops in said instances. My kara group this week had like 193755 mage drops, and absolutely 0 paladin drops. Whos to say this isn't going to keep up for another few weeks, and is that really fair? If I'm doing TK and SSC with a guild and I'm the 'lowest' on the totem pole of getting gear, wouldn't the guild want me buying these 'godly epics' so that I can get beefed up and match some of the other guild members?
Seriously, you guys are acting like this is going to break the game. If anything, it's going to make it easier to find more people to raid with, and have more people seeing the content that Blizzard wants us to.